Dr. Eli David contends that Palestinians are strategically emphasizing their victimhood, portraying a distressing tableau of innocent civilians appealing for peace. This tableau includes individuals displaying signs with messages such as “Save Palestine,” a bereaved mother cradling a deceased infant, and a man bearing a “Stop the War” placard. However, according to Eli, their intent is to employ a narrative that underscores their victim status.

Individuals participating in these protests are advocating for peace and the prevention of harm to innocent civilians. Nonetheless, as Dr. Eli David of Europe asserts, Palestinians find themselves in a situation akin to residing within an open-air confinement.

The trajectory of this protest initially aligned with the principles of a nonviolent demonstration aimed at condemning the loss of innocent lives. However, some individuals have observed a certain irony in Germany’s stance against the resurgence of Nazism, while concurrently alleging that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians bears resemblance to the actions taken against them by Nazis during World War II.

His Social’s where you can follow the Muslim-filled hate he writes!
Dr. Eli David is a leading AI expert specializing in deep learning and evolutionary computation. He has published over fifty papers in leading artificial intelligence journals and conferences, mostly focusing on applications of deep learning and genetic algorithms in various real-world domains. For the past fifteen years, he has been teaching courses on deep learning and evolutionary computation, in addition to supervising the research of graduate students in these fields. He has also served in numerous capacities successfully designing, implementing, and leading deep learning-based projects in real-world environments.