Nand Kishore Gurjar

Islamophobic Remarks :

Nand Kishore Gurjar represents the Loni assembly seat in the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. He is a member of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and he is well known for his intense anti-Muslim animus.

He frequently delivers hate speeches that are directed towards the Muslim community and encourages Hindus to use violence to defend their faith and culture. By demonizing Muslims and inciting fear among Hindus in his political speeches and rallies, he divides the electorate along racial and sectarian lines.

“Neither Ali nor Bahubali, Bajrangbali has come to Loni,” he tweeted after winning the state assembly elections.

He has openly acknowledged that he was a key player in the anti-Muslim riots in New Delhi in February 2020.

“There were riots in Delhi over CAA. These so-called “jihadis” began slaughtering Hindus. You people let us in at that point. We were charged with bringing 2.5 lakh individuals into Delhi. Although we were attempting to explain to them, the cops accused us of killing “jihadis.” We’ll execute “Jihadis.” They will always be killed, he declared.

In his talks in front of the public, he casually refers to Muslims as “Jihadis.”

He has issues with Muslim holidays, diets, and educational establishments.

Gurjar stated in 2020 during Eid ul Adha, often referred to as Bakra Eid, “People who want to sacrifice (animals) on Eid should sacrifice their children.”

Every year, during the Hindu celebration of Navratri, he forcibly closes meat markets that are primarily owned by Muslims. In Loni, Uttar Pradesh, he said that anyone who opened a butcher shop close to a temple was committing “Rashtra droh” (treason).

In order to enforce a ban on the sale of meat in his constituency, he turned to the false claim that meat spread COVID-19.

He frequently charges Madrassas, which are traditional Islamic educational institutions, with land encroachment and threatens to destroy them.

He called the victim a “pig” and a “jihadi,” mocking the lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq, who was killed by cow vigilantes in Dadri, Uttar Pradesh, in 2015 while it was being recorded.

He deployed his goons to beat up protesting farmers during the anti-farm law demonstrations in order to break up the peaceful demonstration. Consequently, he was shunned by the neighborhood panchayats (village assemblies) and forbidden from going to his own constituency.

His thugs prowl the streets of Loni extorting cash from merchants and business owners, several of whom have already been detained and lodged in jail. His son also prowls the streets with fire weapons, frightening and threatening bystanders.

Gurjar is facing numerous charges in addition to the one of assaulting government officials, including criminal intimidation (IPC Section-506), robbery (IPC Section-392), resistance or obstruction to the lawful apprehending of another person (IPC Section-225), attempting to commit crimes punishable by life in prison or other prison terms (IPC Section-511), and damaging or defiling places of worship with the intent to insult the religion of any class (IPC Section-506).


