Parvesh Verma

Islamophobic Remarks :

Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma represents the West Delhi Lok Sabha Constituency as a member of parliament (MP) for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He participates in two important parliamentary committees: the Finance Committee and the Estimates Committee. He also oversees Rashtriya Swabhiman, an NGO.

In Delhi’s anti-citizenship demonstrations, Verma delivered a number of speeches spewing hatred toward Muslim protesters.

Thousands of people congregate in Shaheen Bagh. Delhi residents will have to reflect and make a choice. They’ll break into your homes, rape and kill your sisters and daughters. Modi ji and Amit Shah won’t be around to help you the next day, therefore there’s time now. Verma stated in January 2020 to ANI, a news organization

One of the most well-known protest locations nationwide against the prejudiced Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was Shaheen Bagh, which was led by Muslim women.

He also made anti-communal statements when running for office in the Assembly, claiming that if the BJP won, Shaheen Bagh would be removed within an hour and all mosques on public property would be destroyed.

This election is different from others. A nation’s unity will be decided by this election. In the first hour after the BJP takes office on February 11, not a single protester will be present. And within a month, we won’t spare even one mosque constructed on public property, he added in a different interview with NDTV.

We all understand what jihad is. Jihad aims to convert everyone who is not Muslim to Islam. In Kashmir, they acted in this manner. The result will be the same regardless of where pro-jihad slogans are shouted. Delhi could experience what occurred in Kashmir. Additionally, Delhi residents are aware of it, according to Verma.

His anti-Muslim remarks helped to spark the anti-CAA protestors’ violent retaliation, which culminated in the Delhi anti-Muslim pogrom in February 2020. At least 53 people, predominantly Muslims, were killed in the rioting between February 23 and February 27, and 400 more were hurt. The bloodshed lasted until February 27. The Delhi Police, however, did not bring any charges against him.

Verma demanded a complete boycott of the Muslim community on October 9 while speaking at the ‘Virat Hindu Sabha’ hosted by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in Delhi.


