Jeffrey Armstrong

Islamophobic remarks :

A Canadian Vedic scholar, author, and poet with the pen name Kavindra Rishi, Jeffry Armstrong, promotes the notion of a “Hindu renaissance” based on the tenets of Vedic Hindu Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism). He established the Vedic Academy of Science and Arts in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to advance his divisive objective of Hindu dominance.

Armstrong constantly spreads the Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) philosophy. He states in an interview, defying reality, that “Hindutva was a term for the people who were trying to get the colonizers off their country (India).”

He claims that people who fear Hindu culture’s inherent capacity to overwhelm them have demonized and politicized the term “Hindutva.”

Armstrong uploaded a video affirming his support for the Hindu extreme ideology as part of the “I am Hindutva campaign” of the “Festival of Bharat,” a Hindu right-wing Youtube channel.

He repeatedly states in a video, “I am RSS too,” indicating his enthusiastic affiliation with the Hindu militant group Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Armstrong claims that only the “Hindu culture” is truly indigenous to India and that all other religions, particularly Islam and Christianity, are foreign. He asserts that Christianity and Islam arrived in India in a similar way, both of which “came in as rapists and took slaves.”

He frequently disparages the Abrahamic religions in his program “East meets West,” saying that they are founded on “blind faith and a small amount of knowledge.” In a video with the title “Christianity & Islam rely on blind faith; Hinduism the opposite,” he said that some religions “promote violent culture” as an image of Osama Bin Laden flashes across the screen, implying that Islam is a religion that values violence in society.

According to Armstrong, Hinduism and India, both have been appropriated and “destroyed by colonizers and Muslim invaders” for their benefit.

In another video, he showers praises on Hindu nationalist Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi by referring to him as a ‘Vedic ideal’ of a noble leader of very high character. He adds, “Modi is the first Hndutva leader in a thousand years, and he is playing a long game as he is well aware of the unfolding Hindu renaissance .”


