Chandru Moger

Islamophobic Remarks :

A far-right Hindu fanatic from the southern state of Karnataka, Chandru Moger. He serves as the state coordinator for the Hindu Janjagruti Samiti, a violent organization. Moger is renowned for his fiery statements and defamation campaigns against Muslims.

‘Economic boycott’ of Muslims in the state has been demanded by Monger.

“Muslims have a monopoly on the fruit industry. We have also noticed that they spit on bread and fruits before selling them, according to Chandru Moger. He claimed that these Muslim-owned companies are “spitting Jihad” in their operations.

“I’m asking all Hindus to do their part to break Muslims’ monopoly on the fruit trade. I also advise them to only buy fruits from sellers who identify as Hindus, he continued.

Until a Bengaluru court ordered the police to conduct an investigation, the Karnataka police declined to file a complaint against him.

Notably, Karnataka has become one of the most restrictive and hostile states in India for Muslims to reside in thanks to the efforts of Hindu extremist groups like HJS.

The HJS has carried out a number of anti-Muslim propaganda efforts in the state, including calls to outlaw Azaan (the Muslim call to prayer), Hijab, and Halal meat (meat obtained from an animal slaughter permitted in Islam).


