Yuva Mamana

Bio :

Yuva Mamana is a junior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) studying computer science. At an anti-war demonstration at MIT, Yuva was observed hitting a female.

He is identified as a member of Unit 8200 on his since-deleted LinkedIn resume. Within the Israel Defense Force (IDF), Unit 8200 is an elite intelligence unit. It is in charge of decrypting codes and providing signal intelligence (SIGINT). Comparable to the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States, Unit 8200 is widely considered as one of the most prestigious units in the IDF. He’s probably going to stay in the military.

Hitting a woman and other people with a bat during a demonstration against war :

At MIT, Yuval was caught on camera physically abusing a woman and many other people at an anti-war demonstration that followed the slaughter of civilians by Israel’s IDF forces during their “Swords of Iron” operation.


