Kailash Vijayvargiya

Islamophobic Remarks :

Bharat Janata Party head Kailash Vijayvargiya is a loud-mouthed, hard-core, far-right Hindu (BJP). He has served as a state cabinet minister and a member of the Madhya Pradesh legislative assembly many times. He is an experienced politician.

In order to lay the foundation for Hindu nationalist politics in West Bengal, he has served as the public face of the BJP’s hardline Hindu nationalism. Even though Modi has been largely sidelined since becoming office, he never misses an occasion to express his anti-Muslim and Hindu nationalist beliefs.

Vijayvargiya organized protests and marches in favor of the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) while minorities in India were protesting it. Opponents worry that the Act and the National Registration of Citizens (NRC) aim to deny Muslims in India their right to vote. He was detained by the police at one of these rallies in Kolkata for upsetting the calm in the neighborhood.

He has questioned the integrity of Madrasas (Islamic institutes of religious learning). He praised the government’s interference in Muslim religious institutions.

Shahrukh Khan, a popular actor in Bollywood, was once compared to mafia criminal Dawood Ibrahim by Vijayvargiya. He declared, “There would be a crowd to see Dawood Ibrahim if he came on the street… I won’t add more commentary, but you can’t judge popularity by the number of people there. People are aware of its significance.

He claimed during the Delhi local elections that the Congress and Aam Aadmi parties’ policies were to blame for the emergence of small-scale “ward Pakistans” (designating electorates with sizable Muslim populations) in Delhi. We must be unified and exterminate these Pakistans.

He has taken a stance in favor of Hindu monks who advocate the murder of Muslims. Vijayvargiya testified in defense of Kalicharan Maharaj, who was detained for inciting racial animosity and applauding the terrorist who murdered Mahatma Gandhi in speeches against minority populations.

The superstitious, hate-mongering Hindu monk Dhirendra Shastri, also known as Bageshwar Baba, was also defended by him, who asserted that he is a heavenly manifestation and should be honored. He declared, “I believe in their abilities; among Hindu saints, there are many such figures who possess supernatural abilities.”

Moreover a misogynist, Vijayvargiya. According to him, women are raped when they cross the line. Ravan kidnapped Sita because she stepped beyond of her property line. Another time, he compared the chief minister of Bihar to an American woman who regularly switches lovers because the situation is unpredictable.


