Sadhvi Aastha Maa

Islamophobic Remarks :

Hindu Mahamandleshwar Sadhvi Aastha Maa resides in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. She is an aspiring Hindu extremist who spews venom and Islamophobia in an effort to enter the Hindu chauvinist movement.

She is known among Hindu nationalists as “Hindustan ki sherni” (Lioness of India), and she has gained considerable popularity. According to Astha, it is unavoidable that India is a Hindu Rashtra (Nation). “See, how freely I am able to wear saffron and speak openly,” she exclaims, “they (non-Hindus) are merely a handful.”

“Whenever the finger will be raised on my religion, then I will slit their throats,” she said.

Aastha attends events like the “Hindu Dharma Sansad,” when blatant appeals for the murder of Muslims in India are made. To spread her hate-filled anti-minority ideas, she goes and arranges informal gatherings with the local Hindu community.

In one such meeting in Delhi, she gave a high-pitched hate-filled anti-Minority speech, 

“…these Hindu organizations only talk, they will kill, they will cut, don’t speak, show them, kill them, be courageous. I have courage so I did. These People of Delhi are stuck among questions of water, electricity, and food, they are paralyzed. You can do everything, what is required is determination.”

She has expressed her dissatisfaction again and over again with the Hindus’ approach to dealing with Muslims. “I am better than you ineffective Hindus (men), who do nothing,” she declares. I go and fight for our religion on my own because I am deeply hurt by the sight of my helpless Hindu brothers. If you give me ten Jihadi Muslims, I will shoot them; I’m willing to suffer but I will die after doing something for my religion. If your humanity, love, and brotherhood persist, keep in mind that this community (referring to Muslims) is unfaithful to anyone and won’t spare any of you.

She continued while the crowd cheered,  “yes! Yes!”

Astha, an Islamophobe, mockingly remarks, “These poor Muslim women would get 72 virgins in the hereafter! Muslim men enjoy having several spouses during their lives! You should also ask Allah to provide four or five husbands for your females.

“It is very difficult to distinguish in public places, who is not a Hindu, apply chandan tilak on your forehead, hold string of in one hand and spear in the other, you are having expensive Mobile phones with you, but it is extremely necessary to keep weapons nowadays , our religion is in danger,” Aastha said at a public gathering that went viral on the internet.

Aastha has vehemently supported rape convicts Hindu priests like Aasaram Bapu and Ram Rahim. She came forward supporting Dhirendra Shastri aka Bageshwar Baba. 

She said, “If anyone dares to look at Bageshwar Baba, I will gouge out their eyes and play with them.”

She undoubtedly supports a number of anti-Muslim conspiracy theories, such as “love jihad.” She labeled everyone watching the Shahrukh Khan movie “Pathan” as a Jihadi, terrorist, and traitor.

In March 2023, she led a mob that thrashed and shaved the head of a Muslim man over an accusation of theft.


