Abhijit Dhananjay Sarag Alias Kalicharan Maharaj

Islamophobic Remarks :

Kalicharan Maharaj is a Hindu Monk and a Hindu supremacist leader from Akola in Maharashtra. He often makes hateful speeches derogating religious minorities.

He said, “I offer my homage to Godse for killing Gandhi,” praising Nathu Ram Godse for assassinating Mahatma Gandhi. After being detained, he was eventually released on bail after three months.

Upon his release, he said, ‘I stand by my statement. I said it thoughtfully and have no regrets.

He is an ardent propagandist of the bogey of ‘Love Jihad,’ a conspiracy theory. On December 14, 2022, at a ‘protest’ called by the Hindu Jan Aakrosh Morcha in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, Kalicharan made inflammatory speeches.

He made the incorrect statement that “40,000 incidences of love jihad occur daily in India.” In Delhi, there have been 35 instances of girls. The girls are quiet. Those who travel to lay their heads on tombs and tombs give birth to ghosts in their stomachs. On these girls, they use black magic and vashikaran.

‘There is a way to counter this bad magic,’ the superstitious Kalicharan advised, ‘store the tooth of a wild boar in water overnight and give that water to a female engaged in a love jihad situation. Make her drink it, and she will be free of black magic in no time. Then he insulted Muslims, claiming that they had an 800-year-old plan (the Ghazwa-e-Hind) to turn India into a Muslim nation and that all Muslims were terrorists.

Buttressing the cow vigilantism, he said, ‘Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar had said don’t trust Muslims. Every day 1 lakh cows are killed. Hindus do not harbor hatred, but now hatred is also flourishing in the minds of Hindus’.

Demeaning Muslim localities, he said that “small scale Pakistan” has been created in India at multiple places and such settlements are equally dangerous; meanwhile, the crowd cheered and clapped.


