Amit Malviya

Islamophobic Remarks :

The IT cell of the Hindu nationalist Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP), which is headed by politician Amit Malviya, is infamous for disseminating false information and using a “troll army” made up of unemployed BJP supporters.

Malviya, the head of the BJP IT Cell and ringleader of the propaganda machine, holds the distinction of becoming the first politician from India to be subject to a Twitter restraining order for distributing false information. Malviya posted a cut-down video of the farmers’ protests on Twitter, and Twitter labeled it “manipulated media.”

Malviya is a professional who has no qualms about standing up for the malicious online trolls.

Malviya believes that “using the troll brand to dismiss an argument, just because it doesn’t meet your exacting standards of language, or idiom, or phraseology, is perhaps not the right way to do it (sic),” normalizing the destructive troll ecology that his troll army has sustained in India.

His troll army promotes genocide, stirs up animosity and violence, and posts obscene language and threats against anyone who dared to disagree with the Hindu supremacist philosophy.

His support for the anti-hate speech law in modern India can be inferred from the fact that he merely sidestepped the subject of hate speech during a TV debate over false news by asking, “Who would decide as to what is hate speech?” Maliviye was horrified by Facebook’s decision to take down a post by a BJP representative who called “Rohingyas terrorists” and demanded that mosques they had helped build be demolished.

He is an expert at creating and disseminating propaganda to further his party’s divisive goal. Some of the egregious inaccuracies he floated frequently were documented in an Altnews report in 2020. The list is not exhaustive in terms of the collection of the deceitful output from his brigade, even yet it serves as an example of his method.

He descended to the lowest by claiming that Muslim women were seduced into the demonstration by “Biryani and five hundred rupees being offered” to them during the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) agitation in 2019–2020.

Additionally, he set out inaccurate claims of anti-Indian sloganeering at the protest locations, all of which were debunked by fact-checking organizations.

Malviya, who holds the portfolio for the BJP, actively promotes anti-Muslim propaganda and makes every effort to portray the Muslim community in a perverse light. He attributed the COVID-19 pandemic’s corona eruptions in the nation to the Tablighi Jamaat, a Muslim sect. He said that by assaulting the medical staff and doctors, Muslims were staging a “Islamic insurrection.” He also disseminated the myth that Muslims were deliberately spitting, coughing, and sneezing to spread the deadly infection.

He insulted Tipu Sultan, an influential figure in the resistance movement against British invaders and an Indian Muslim ruler of the kingdom of Mysore during the eighteenth century, saying,

“Tipu was a barbarian, who inflicted untold miseries on the Kodavas in Coorg, the Syrian Christians in Mangalore, the Catholics, the Konkanis, the Nairs of Malabar, the Mandyan Iyengars, who were hanged in hundreds on Diwali, due to which their descendants don’t celebrate the festival to this day. He broke innumerable temples and Churches and forcefully converted people to Islam. His sword had an inscription to launch jihad against the infidels.”


