Archarya Gopal Maniji Maharaj

Islamophobic Remarks :

Jharkhand-born Archarya Gopal Maniji Maharaj, also known as Gopal Maharaj, is a Hindu nationalist cleric. He is the Bharatiya Gau Kranti Manch’s katha vachak, or preacher. This cow vigilante group targets Muslims who may be involved in the trafficking or consumption of beef.

Gopal spoke out strongly against the slaughter of cows and the trafficking in cattle during his religious lectures. His disciples would paint walls urging people to hang beef eaters after his talks.

In 2016, a mob in Jharkhand’s Balumath district lynched and hanged two Muslims, Mazlum Ansari, 32, and Imteyaz Khan, 13, from a tree as they were traveling to an animal show. Gopal’s name came up in connection with the accusations of inciting hatred against Muslims.

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