Ashraf Rameleh

Islamophobic Remarks :

Ashraf Rameleh is a board member of the Stop Islamization of Nations (SION) and a contributing editor to Family Security Matters, a conservative news source sponsored by Center for Security Policy.

His words:

  • During his speech at Stop the Islamization of Nations’ 2012 International Freedom of Speech Congress, Ramelah defended Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller saying, “a lot of America (is) calling us bigot(ed) and Islamophobic, no, we (are) saying the truth and the truth hurt(s).”
  • When speaking about the September 11th attacks Rameleh said “They are not terrorists, they are jihad. They are for the Quran.”

Overview :

Ashraf Ramelah is dedicated to the Coptic cause. His mission is to give voice to the silent and oppressed minority Copts of Egypt. He founded Voice of the Copts, a non-profit human rights organization, in 2008, which is developing the La Casa Futura project to aid Coptic youth in refugee status to integrate in the West.


