Benjamin Reese

Islamophobic Remarks :

The Houston County Sheriff’s Office reports that Warner Robins Middle School seventh-grade teacher Benjamin Reese was taken into custody on December 8 and charged with felony terroristic threats and misdemeanor child abuse. A 13-year-old Muslim girl who complained that an Israeli flag hanging in his classroom insulted her was threatened with her skull.

Reese was allegedly “shouting profane threats” at least one youngster in a school hallway, including threatening to chop off the student’s head, according to witnesses.

One of the teachers in a neighboring classroom said she overheard Reese refer to someone as “my antisemitic friend.” Reese shouted at someone who “disrespected his flag,” according to the teacher, the publication stated. “I will drag her by the back of my car and cut her (expletive) head off for disrespecting my Jewish flag.”

Bio :

Benjamin is a former Social Studies teacher at Warner Robins Middle School. He resides in Georgia.