Bharatananda Sarswati Maharaj

Islamophobic Remarks :

A Hindu monk named Bharatabanda Saraswati Maharaj is well-known for his intolerance and anti-Muslim prejudice.

He frequently attends demonstrations and programs where appeals for murder against Muslims, genocide, and economic boycott are made.

He is a fervent advocate of Hindu Rashtra and has no qualms about spreading lies and propaganda to mainstream animosity toward Muslims.

Bharatanand Saraswati Maharaj advised Hindu women to carry a weapon to “safeguard themselves from Muslim men” in order to incite terror among Hindus and therefore create in their minds a disgust and suspicion toward Muslims.

At a gathering in Mumbra, Maharashtra, he encouraged the crowd to use violence against Muslims. “Our Modi ji is there in the center as Prime Minister right now,” he continued. However, after Yogi Ji arrives, Mughal won’t even be listed on Google. I’d like to caution my Hindu sisters to carry a firearm in their handbags for protection. Keeping a weapon for these reasons is legal, including the defense of our faith, cows, women, the country, and ladies. Keep your weapons close to you.

He pushed for the destruction of Muslim cemeteries while supporting the Hindu nationalist effort to eradicate Muslim insignia and symbols from India.

“These Muslim cemeteries in Mumbra ought to be demolished. Kar Sevaks (Hindu militia) will carry out the necessary actions if the Forest Department does not, he added.

Additionally, he relentlessly spreads anti-Muslim conspiracies like “love jihad” and cow vigilantism.

“Anyone who commits cow slaughter should be given a death sentence,” declares the sadist monk.

He said that the Muslims were to blame for the COVID-19 virus’s proliferation throughout India. He also criticized the Muslim community for not receiving sufficient punishment for the same.

He supports the call for a national population control law in India, like other Hindu fanatics, in order to limit “Muslim growth.”

“There is no law for them, and even if there were, they would not obey it,” he declared. Laws for population control must also be introduced and put into effect. Their number is growing, and their aspirations to rule the nation must be crushed.


