Chet Cannon

Bio :

A Mormon from Salt Lake City, Utah, with four brothers and five sisters, Challenge newcomer Chet made quite an impression on The Real World: Brooklyn. Chet worked nonstop at pursuing his dream of becoming a VJ while in New York and landed an audition at MTV and a hosting gig at Pete Wentz’s

Islamophobic Remarks :

“The Pro-Palestinian Ghouls”

In his first tweet, Cannon refers to pro-Palestinian protesters as “ghouls,” accusing them of celebrating terrorist attacks. This framing dismisses the legitimate concerns and grievances of those participating in pro-Palestinian demonstrations. By labeling them as supporters of terrorism, Cannon undermines the nuanced reasons behind the protests and detracts from the issues the protesters aim to address. Concluding the tweet by branding them as “evil” adds an inflammatory layer to his rhetoric, contributing to an atmosphere of hostility.

Israel’s Response to a Terrorist Incursion

Cannon’s second tweet delves into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically focusing on a terrorist incursion. He argues that since there was no warning from the terrorists who entered Israel, Israel should show no mercy to Gaza. This statement goes to show what he thinks of the people living in Gaza. His stance of advocating for a lack of mercy reflects a severe lack of empathy for the Palestinians caught in the crossfire for the Pure reasons being he does not see them as human.

“Stand with Israel or Stand with Evil”

The third tweet features Cannon stating, “You stand with Israel or you stand with evil.” This stark binary framing of the Israel-Palestine conflict is so one-sided thinking it clearly shows how much he knows of the situation. It not only perpetuates a divisive “us versus them” mentality but also categorizes an entire population as “evil” based on their stance on the conflict. Such generalizations hinder constructive dialogue and contribute to an environment of animosity.


