Deborah Weiss

Islamophobic Remarks :

Weiss subscribes to a form of McCarthyism wherein she believes that the Muslim Brotherhood (“Jihadi Radicals”) have “infiltrated” the United States at all levels of government and society. She also attempts to whitewash the foreign policy crimes of the United States against Muslim-majority nations by claiming terrorism is primarily motivated by ideology: 

It is time that our government and other societal institutions wake up from their slumber.  The jihadi terror attacks we have witnessed in recent years were not due to PTSD, workplace violence or random acts of “violent extremism”.  The proliferation of terrorist groups we have seen throughout the Middle East and Africa are not based on purely local grievances, and the wars we are experiencing with Islamic organizations and state sponsors of terror are not separate, isolated wars.  They constitute one war in different theaters against the Global Jihad Movement.  They were inspired by an ideological enemy that seeks to establish an Islamic Caliphate and implement worldwide Sharia law, for both Muslims and non-Muslim alike.

In the West, stealth jihadists have infiltrated our governments, interfaith and cultural institutions, laying claim to our lexicon, and forbidding all language that allows us to recognize the Enemy or to produce policies to defeat it.

If we continue to refuse to acknowledge these facts and fail to engage in the War of Ideas properly rather than to ignore it or capitulate to its false narratives, we will see more jihadi attacks in the future and the potential demise of freedom as we know it.  The Enemy is amongst us.  He is here now.  I pray America wakes up before it’s too late.[1]

Weiss believes the hijab (Muslim woman headscarf) is used as a means to inform Muslim men who they are allowed to rape or not rape:

Islamic supremacism is the reason that it’s A-Ok for Muslims to loot the property of infidels and rape their women and children. Yup, it’s a grand old time for Islamists, especially if they are of the male variety. There’s just one problem. How are Muslim men to know whom to rape and whom not to rape? Enter the hijab and therein lies the answer. As the the Koran 33:59 states, “Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies that they may thus be distinguished and not molested.“ Thus, the hijab is a political statement, letting men know who is and isn’t Muslim, so they know that the hijabbed women are off limits for raping purposes. What a bummer! Still, they usually have plenty of kaffir females to choose from and they’re probably not all that picky.

Now that Muslim women in Iran are throwing off the veil, it’s likely Muslim men could get confused. And if a non-hijabbed Muslim woman gets raped, well, obviously it’ll be her own fault for enticing her perpetrator with her long flowing hair. And that’s true even if her hair is short.[2]

Weiss believes that the only Muslim civil rights organization in the United States (CAIR) is a “radical Islamist organization” with ties to terrorists groups: 

CAIR, which presents itself as the country’s leading American-Muslim civil rights organization, is, in fact, a radical Islamist organization that is extreme in its goals and tactics. It was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-funding trial in the history of the United States.

Though it is expert in public relations, it cannot escape the fact that its roots stem from the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Association of Palestine and that it has close ties to Hamas. Several of its former leadership members have been arrested and convicted on terrorism-related charges or other felonies, and numerous others are being monitored by the FBI. Despite its claims of representing “mainstream Muslim Americans,” the FBI finally has wised up and cut all ties with CAIR. [3

Weiss believes that practical counter-terrorism measures of legitimizing groups like ISIS is akin to (or influenced by) the Muslim Brotherhood to “disarm America” for the purpose of “ideological warfare”: 

Additionally, the State Department’s Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, purportedly erected to counter terrorist and “extremist” narratives, has instead been refusing to call Islamic terrorism what it is. Obama and many on the Left insist that we should not identify Islamic terrorism by its name “because that’s what ISIL wants.” Going even further, proper identification of the enemy has been condemned by leftist politicians as “Islamophobic,” “racist” and “bigoted.”  Indeed, Democrats recently went as far as to propose a bill to condemn such “anti-Muslim rhetoric” whether or not it’s true.

This purging of accurate terminology is a tactic encouraged by all Muslim Brotherhood front groups, including CAIR, in part to fog the war and disarm the West in the War of Ideas.  If we cannot name the enemy, we cannot identify him, we cannot know what his goals are, and ultimately, we cannot defeat him.[4]

Weiss’s social media presence is lacking, but she does have some interesting, rather violent self-perceptions: [5

Overview :

Deborah Weiss is an attorney, author, and public speaker specializing in free speech and terrorism-related issues, and is a self proclaimed expert on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and CAIR.

Formerly, she was the Manhattan Director for the Forbes for President Campaign; Assistant Corporation Counsel in the Giuliani Administration, and a Counsel for the Committee on House Oversight in Congress. She is the author of a monograph titled, “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Jihad Against Free Speech”; the primary writer and researcher for the book: “Council on American Islamic Relations: Its use of Lawfare and Intimidation”, and a contributing author to the book: “Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network”.

Ms. Weiss is a regular contributor to FrontPage Magazine. Her articles have also been published in National Review Online, The Weekly Standard, The Washington Times, Human Events Online, and American Thinker. She speaks regularly throughout the United States and is a frequent guest on radio. Ms. Weiss is a survivor from the 9/11 attacks in New York City. 



