Deepak Aka Delhi Ka Deepak

Islamophobic Remarks :

Hindu vigilante Dilli ka Deepak identifies as a kattar Hindu (Hardcore Hindu) and a foot soldier of the Hindu Rashtra (Nation). He uses Facebook the most frequently. He has 36k followers thanks to his xenophobic posts and feeds, and his extreme images circulate on other social media sites as well.

Other bigots are also given access to his camera coverage. He positions himself as an advocate for Hindus in opposition to the hoax of “love jihad” (love jihad is an Islamophobic conspiracy theory established by supporters of Hindu radicals).

He and his gang took part in the procession in February 2023 that was organized by Hindu Nationalist groups in Delhi to show support for bigots like Bageshwar Baba and Suresh Chavhanke. Several speakers at the rally made explicit calls for the annihilation of Muslims.

On his Facebook page, Deepak posted many videos in which he and other participants could be seen yelling anti-Islamic and genocide slurs.

He urged a reporter at the event to chant “Jai Shree Ram” (Praise be to Lord Ram) before responding. These Muslims, he claimed, “sleep with more than one wife, Sakina one night and Fatima the next.” Wow! You (Muslims) generate ten children and then complain about inflation, saying that Modi should provide for your offspring.

He continues by urging Hindu women to join the military and carry guns alongside men. He declared, “Our girls must learn to use weapons to defend religion; they are not intended for housework.”

Then he continues, “Hindu males are in demand from Muslim girls. Two, one Naela and the other Saela, are driving me insane with need.

He once commanded people to grab spears and fight anyone who would criticize Hindus or the Hindu Rashtra (Nation).

He forcefully and vehemently prevented Shahrukh Khan’s movie “Pathan” from playing in Delhi under the guise of it having undesirable content, just like other Hindu radicals.

Falsely claiming that all accusations against Bageshwar Baba, a Hindu monk who professes miracles and propagates superstitions, are made by Jihadis (Muslims).


