Dr. Charudatta Pingale

Islamophobic Remarks :

Medical professional Dr. Charudatta Pingale is a Goan Hindu extreme ideologue who is regarded as a saint by his followers. He serves as the “National Guide” for the Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS), a violent group that calls itself an advocate of the “Hindu renaissance” and intends to make India a Hindu rashtra (country).

Pingale is renowned for his radical attitudes toward minorities and his fondness for Hindu nationalism.

By 2023, Pingale’s group would have transformed India into a “true Kingdom of (Hindu) God,” according to the “roadmap” he drew out in 2013. He declared that he would assemble an army of four lakh warriors to launch the “religious war,” which would entail combating “minorities,” “the police,” and anybody else standing in their way as they worked to realize their vision of the Hindu rashtra (country).

When Prime Minister Modi met Archbishop Fr. Filipe Neri Ferrao on a state visit in 2014, Pingale charged him with’minority’ appeasement.

“Modi met the Archbishop of Goa on his tour, but he did not have time to meet the local Shankaracharya or any other Hindu religious leader. “This is nothing more than appeasement of minorities,” Pingale added.

A resolution requesting that India be recognized as a Hindu rashtra (Nation) was adopted during the 6th All India Convention of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS).

“Numerous patriotic and pro-Hindu groups are working to establish Hindu Rashtra in India and overseas. One of the several resolutions adopted at the convention declared Nepal and India to be Hindu Rashtras, according to Pingale.

Pingale changed his tone and began citing the Indian Constitution to support his claim in 2022, pushing out the completion date for Hindu Rashtra till 2025. He declared, “The demand for Hindu Rashtra is a valid one and is permitted by the constitution.”

Under Pingale’s direction, HJS has made a significant contribution to stoking racial conflict in Goa and neighboring states. Notably, the 2009 Diwali-eve Margao bombing has been linked to the HJS members in a number of terror schemes. The murders of rationalists Govind Pansare, Narendra Dabholkar, and journalist Gauri Lankesh are also thought to have been planned by the group.

These accusations shouldn’t come as a surprise because the HJS’s beliefs and activities speak for itself. The ‘About’ section of the HJS website states,

“O Hindu Brothers! The Holy land of Bharat is a self-materialised ‘Hindu Nation’. However, the unrighteous rulers have maligned the Hindu Nation by declaring it a secular Nation. Since the present Democracy does not have the support of Hindu Dharma, the Hindu society and the Nation are facing a grave decline. To arrest the decline and to bring back the past glory to the Holy land of Bharat, it is imperative to reinstate Dharma in Bharat.”


