Dr. Omendra Ratnu

Islamophobic remarks :

A physician named Dr. Omendra Ratnu formed the non-profit organization Nimittekam, through which he allegedly tries to settle Hindus from Pakistan in India.

He wrote a book in 2022 called “Maharanas: A Thousand-Year War For Dharma” that purported to be the history of the Hindu Rajputs. An OpIndia report sums up his work as follows, “This new book is a synopsis of the one-thousand-year illustrious history of the proud legacy of the Rajputs of Mewar or Mewad who stood guard, lost countless generations of their children in protecting ‘Maa Bharati’ (Mother India) and resisted several decades of Ghazwa-e-Hind (an Islamist doctrine forecasting the dominance of Islam over India) by marauding, ruthless, and bloodthirsty Islamic tyrannical rulers.”

Ratnu’s book is a contribution to the ecosystem of Hindu nationalists that aims to rewrite history in order to denigrate Muslims and Islam and to assert Hindu dominion over all other races in India.

He wrote on Twitter in April 2022, “The book that’ll bring out tears of blood in your eyes, swell your heart with pride, & destroy every Leftist-Jehadi lie on the glorious Hindu resistance to Islamic invaders.”

Ratnu frequently refers to Muslims as “Jihadi” and “Muderers,” and he spreads false information about the “Ghazwa-e-Hind” and other anti-Muslim conspiracies in order to incite animosity toward Muslims.

Ratnu contends that in order for Muslim Rajputs to be treated equally with Hindus of the Rajput caste, they must convert to Hinduism.

“Generations of Rajputs from India lost their lives battling Islamic killers. A nasty joke at best, Muslim Rajput is an oxymoron at worst. Let the Muslim Rajputs convert to Hinduism (Ghar Wapsi), and then we can treat them with the deference due Rajputs. They are only murderers of our ancestors because they are Muslims, he tweeted.

He has a history of friendships with Swami Paripoornananda, a Hindu extremist monk well-known for his anti-religious minority hate speeches. Ratnu and Paripoornananda collaborated to encourage the conversion of Muslims, Christians, and other religious minorities to Hinduism, or ghar wapsi.

By saying, “If Muslims are allowed to apply for citizenship in India from neighboring nations, then the Indian border should be expanded to create Akand Bharat—United India,” he made mockery of Muslim fears about the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act-2019.

On The Jaipur Dialogues, a platform for Hindu far-right propaganda, he claimed in June 2023 that Pakistan was preventing minority Hindus from moving to India because Pakistan saw them as their rivals in the “upcoming” jihad known as Ghazwa e Hind.

‘Ghazwa e Hind’ is a component of the Muslim strategy to Islamize the entire world,’ he continued. When they have the ability to quickly kill them, how are they going to allow the one crore Hindu “prisoners” to leave Pakistan?


