Fred Fleitz

Feitz’s Bigotry :

Fietz regards the Muslim Brotherhood and its propaganda as a war tactic and every OIC member country a “threat” to the United States — which is essentially almost every single Muslim-majority nation on the planet: 

Fleitz regards just about every benign Islamic requirement for its adherents to be in “pre-violent” means to violence. Some of these means include promoting beards, hijab, and gender segregation: 

Just as the United States must understand and decisively counter the violent jihadis, it must do the same with respect to those engaged in pre-violent forms of subversive warfare that the Muslim Brotherhood calls civilization jihad. The Brotherhood has had considerable success with the latter since the Muslim Students Association, its first front organization in America, was established in 1962. Among its accomplishments have been: keeping the “infidels” ignorant of the true nature and progress of 15 efforts to insinuate shariah into Western societies; demanding and securing accommodations for shariah-adherent Muslims and other concessions; utilizing and exploiting educational vehicles to promote the cause of Islamic supremacism; “bridge-building” and interfaith “dialogue” to suborn clerics of other faiths and enlist them as protectors of subversive shariah on First Amendment grounds; promoting Shariah-Compliant Finance; insinuating shariah into U.S. courts; and placing Muslim Brothers into positions from which they can exercise influence. The following are illustrative examples of initiatives that would advance those goals necessary to rolling back the Muslim Brotherhood in America:

* Muslims who reject shariah’s seditious agenda and oppose its imposition on others should be promoted and empowered. As part of this effort, federal and state-level government agencies must end the practice of “engagement” with or “outreach” to those who purport to be “leaders” of the Muslim American community but who often are, in fact, simply shariahadherent Islamic supremacists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

* Congressional hearings should be held to explore crucial questions first raised about the extent of Brotherhood influence on U.S. policymaking in April 2012 by five U.S. lawmakers. They sought Inspector General investigations of individuals who were either employees of or advisors to five federal agencies shown to have ties to or sympathies with the Muslim Brotherhood. The object was to establish whether such individuals were having an influence on U.S. policies that were increasingly aligning with the dictates of the Brotherhood.

* Legislation designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization should be adopted as a basis for rolling up and shutting down its front groups in the United States and ending any and all U.S. aid and military sales to any Muslim Brotherhood entities, including associates, front group or even “elected governments.”

* Alternatively, new legislation that creates a listed category for “Hostile Foreign Powers” should be enacted to identify groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood whose threat is, for the moment at least, subversive rather than violent.

* Over eighty percent of U.S. mosques have been shown to be shariah-adherent and promoting jihad as evidenced in such visible characteristics as dress, beards, and male-female segregation; the content of preaching and sermons; and printed materials on display or for sale. They are incubators of, at best, subversion and, at worst, violence and should be treated accordingly.

* The United States must terminate the practice of issuing visas for shariah-adherent imams who often seek to use such mosques for purposes antithetical to tolerant religious practice and to the Constitution.

* Similarly, the federal government must stop using refugee resettlement programs, political asylum, visa lotteries, amnesties, etc. to bring large numbers of shariah-adherent Muslims to this country. 

* The U.S. must enforce existing immigration law that requires all immigrants to defend the U.S. Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” under the terms of their Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America,14 and to use shariah- 16 adherent advocacy and practices as legal premises for deportation and stripping of American citizenship.

* American academic institutions that accept funds from shariah-adherent individuals or governments must be required to disclose fully the extent of such payments and the purpose for which they are provided. Where that purpose amounts to promoting shariah or civilization jihadist agendas (e.g., interfaith dialogue, “Muslim-Christian understanding,” etc.), the institution should be discouraged from hosting such activities. 

* Charitable organizations that operate as taxpayer-subsidized entities through tax-deductible contributions and promote shariah-adherent individuals and programs, should have their IRS 501(c)(3) status revoked.

* Academic institutions that receive federal funding and promote sharia-adherent individuals programs should be barred from receiving federal funds, including grants, contracts, scholarships, fellowships, subsidies, and proceeds from federally administered or subsidized student loans.

* Firms engaging in Shariah-Compliant Finance must be required to disclose the hostile nature of shariah, the names and roles of shariah advisors involved in investment decisions and the expectation that some of the proceeds may be used to support jihad by way of the zakat obligation. [2]

Fleitz asserts that he is only attacking “radicals”, although his statements (above) and affiliations run contrary to this claim: [3

Overview :

Fred Fleitz is the President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy. He served in 2018 as a Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump and Chief of Staff to National Security Adviser John Bolton. Before his White House position, Fleitz was Senior Vice President of the Center for Security Policy. He previously served in U.S. national security positions for 25 years with the CIA, DIA, the Department of State and the House Intelligence Committee staff.

Fleitz has extensive national security experience with the executive and legislative branches of government. Fleitz’s work for the CIA included serving as a political analyst, military analyst, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) analyst and collection officer. He supported intelligence collection to defend against WMD attacks with the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) collection projects against WMD targets for CIA and DIA. Fleitz served at the State Department for four years as Chief of Staff to the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control. In that job, Fleitz was a U.S. delegate to several major international arms control conferences, including the International Atomic Energy Board of Governors and the UN General Assembly. In his five years with the House Intelligence Committee staff, Fleitz was a senior aide to Chairman Peter Hoekstra and the committee’s expert on the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs.

Fleitz is the author of Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the 1990s (2002); Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud (2016); Putin’s Reset: The Bear is Back and How America Must Respond (2016); and The Coming North Korea Nuclear Nightmare (2018). Fleitz has appeared on many American and international TV and radio programs to discuss international security issues, including Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BBC, ITN (UK), Sky News, Sky News Arabia, al-Hurra, The Blaze, One America News and others. Fleitz’s op-eds and articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, National Review, Investor’s Business Daily, the Jerusalem Post, the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence and other publications.

Fleitz holds a BA in Politics from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and an MA in Political Economy from Fordham University in New York.

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