Giriraj Singh

Islamophobic Remarks :

Senior BJP leader Giriraj Singh serves in the cabinet of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as both the Minister of Panchayati Raj and the Minister of Rural Development. Singh is renowned for his venomous and hateful rants towards Christians and Muslims.

Singh claimed that the majority of terrorists in the nation are from one particular religion in 2014, when criticizing the Muslim population.

In 2016, he proposed a population control law to keep Muslim population in check.

“Hindus should have two sons, Muslims, too, should have two sons. Our population is coming down. Bihar has seven such districts where our population has gone down. Population rules have to be changed, only then will our daughters be safe. Otherwise, like Pakistan, we too will have to keep our daughters under the veil,” he said.

In 2019, during an election rally, he questioned the patriotism of Muslims and said:

“Those who cannot say Vande Mataram or cannot respect the motherland, the nation will never forgive them.”

Singh played a huge role in igniting the anti-Muslim violence in Delhi in February 2020. Two days before the anti-Muslim riots began Singh said Muslims should have been sent to Pakistan in 1947 during the partition of India.

Some of his controversial statements:

“Now is the time to pledge our allegiance to the country. [Muhammad Ali] Jinnah advocated for an Islamic state prior to 1947. We are already paying the price for a significant error made by our forebears. We wouldn’t be in this predicament if at that time Hindus had been brought here instead of Muslim brethren.

“Deoband is the Gangotri of terrorists, as I’ve already stated. All of the most wanted terrorists in the world, including Hafiz Saeed or any of the others, are from Deoband. These folks are hostile toward India, not the CAA. This movement is reminiscent of the Khilafat.


