Gyandev Ahuja

Islamophobic Remarks :

Gyan Dev Ahuja is a radical Hindu leader who has a strong anti-Muslim stance. He is connected to the BJP (Bhartiya Janata Party). He represented Ramgarh in the Alwar district as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Rajasthan from 2013 to 2018.

In a video that surfaced in August 2022, the man expressed his anti-Muslim rage by saying, “..until now, we have slain five (referring to Muslims), be it in Lawandi, be it in Behror, and one other place. We’ve already killed five people. To kill [inaudible]..kill the (abusive words) who are involved in cow slaughter and cow smuggling, activists have full permission from me. They have unrestricted freedom from me. I promised them I would secure their release and post bail.

He was referring to the 2017 and 2018 Hindu mob lynchings of Pehlu Khan and Rakbar Khan, who were both killed in Behror, Rajasthan, and Lalwandi, respectively.

He later explained his comments to a news outlet by saying, “There needs to be a difference between patriots and traitors…Muslim criminals predominate.8% of Muslims live in the Alwar district, while 60% of them are imprisoned for crimes like looting, theft, and cybercrime. I oppose lynching; these murders are unintentional.

An FIR was registered in Gobindgarh Police station against Ahuja under Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code for Promoting Enmity between Religious groups. He was questioned by police for hours on the matter but was never arrested.

Alwar saw numerous instances of mob violence against Muslims while he was in office. During his time as an MLA, the Hindu mob killed Rakbar Khan (July 2017), Zakir Khan (December 2017), Pahlu Khan (April 2017), and Umar Khan. Ahuja has consistently justified all of these acts in front of the public by claiming that “people do get angry, do get filled with angst because, in India, the cow is seen as a mother.”

He is a fervent follower of the Love Jihad concept. He warned Muslims in 2018 to “return women they have lured away in the name of love jihad” or else “double the number of daughters — double the number (20 for 10, 80 for 40) of your (Muslim) girls will not be safe.”

Ahuja once asserted that he had counted the number of condoms and contraceptives on the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). He made the absurd claim that he had discovered 10,000 cigarette bits, 3,000 condoms, 500 abortion injections, and 50,000 fragments of bone every day on the university campus. He added that rapes occur every day in JNU.

He urged that the nation’s statues of Rajiv Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru be demolished. He also said that the citizens of this country would spit on their sculptures.


