J Sai Deepak

Islamophobic Remarks :

J Sai Deepak is a Hyderabad, Telangana-born engineer who has transitioned into a litigator, author, and public speaker. Deepak has legal degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, West Bengal, and Anna University in Tamil Nadu, both in mechanical engineering.

His oratory abilities and what appears to be ‘erudite’ insight into the topics that many Hindus find interesting have helped him establish an image of a Hindu rightwing ‘intellectual’. On a regular basis, excerpts from his presentations and lectures circulate online, reminding Hindus of the long overdue “Indic Renaissance,” a theme he promotes anywhere he can.

Deepak is a writer as well. In addition to publishing two books, “India, that is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilization, Constitution” and “India Bharat and Pakistan: The Constitutional Journey of A Sandwiched Civilization,” he routinely contributes pieces to a number of newspapers and online portals.

Deepak sees himself as above the ‘petty’ Hindutva ecology, which only addresses the ostensible threats in superficial and piecemeal ways.

The nationalism he espouses aims to establish Hindu civilization’s domination on the Indian Subcontinent, and Deepak demonstrates the way of “societal Hindutva”—that is, by inculcating the Hindu consciousness among Hindus at all levels—to bring about this transition.

Deepak wants the constitution to be kept, but reinvented, reinterpreted, and history revisited to take advantage of these “resources” and help him reach his goal of a complete revamp. The transformation of India’s nature and the common imagination is necessary and the main component of Deepak’s Indic Renaissance agenda.

His writings, which explicitly hint to his ingrained anti-Muslim prejudice and deep-seated Islamophobia, encompass these concepts of India’s exclusive change.

According to Deepak, a battle of civilizations is taking place in India, and the present is Khilafat 2.0. He contends that battle in the truest meaning of the word is necessary for the Hindus to save their culture and that mere words and thoughts are insufficient.

He openly supports bigotry towards minorities and acts of violence. Since the Hindu society needs individuals like T Raja Singh, according to Deepak, they should be treated with the utmost respect.

He never stops harping on the goodness of India’s majority Hindu population and how they have been kind and patient for generations. He declares that it is time to put an end to the situation and put Christians and Muslims in their proper roles.

He bemoans the fact that Hindus have a serious lack of ‘hardliners’ who may adhere to the Hindu supremacist philosophy.

The religion of Hinduism is not pacifistic. It is not a faith practiced by cowards. It is absolutely crucial that the shastra (weapon) spirit is revived. You will just have a small island with a gutter surrounding it if you consistently view it as a nasty job. In an open call for Hindus to militarize themselves, Deepak urged, “do not use the Gita to teach pacifism to your kids; teach the Gita to teach shastra (weapon) to your kids.

He described the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protesters as anti-nationals and stone throwers who were planning to seize the streets and subjugate India. His opinions on minority rights are equally venomous; for instance, in regards to the Karnataka Hijab debate, he stated that there should be no tolerance for such demands and that Hijab cannot be permitted in secular state-run educational institutions.

He occasionally raises concerns about Indian Muslims’ loyalty to their country. After the country was divided in 1947, Deepak claims that Muslims who remained in India and did not go to Pakistan were motivated by their passion for “Mughalistan” (a desire to restore Muslim authority in India) and had no sentimental ties to the Indian land.

He is a brahman from Tamil Nadu and a caste chauvinist. He rationalizes societal injustices and discriminatory acts among Hindus, much like the cruel caste system in Hinduism.

Deepak frequently expresses his dissatisfaction with the Modi administration’s operating philosophy. He believes that Hindus choose the Bharatiya Janata Party not to advance Hinduism but rather to defend it against Muslims and Christians.

He frequently incites anxiety among Hindus to arouse their feelings toward the most tangible and immediate foes—Muslims and Christians.


