Jonathan Matusitz

Islamophobic Remarks :

University of Central Florida (UCF) Nicholson School of Communication professor Jonathan Matusitz denies being a member of ACT! for America, but lists “Membership Director, ACT for America- Central Florida Chapter, Fall 2011-” and “Co-organizer of the Speakers Bureau, ACT for America – Central Florida Chapter, Fall 2011-“ on his curriculum vitae.

Matusitz claims that Muslims “procreate like mushrooms after the rain” and that “the problem is Islam.”

He bizarrely claims Germany will “become an Islamic republic by 2050.” Matusitz also says, “The problem is not so much the average Muslim, as it is the ideology.”

In a video Matusitz says:

  • “Coexistence with Islam is not possible.”
  • “My colleagues say Islam is a religion of peace. I say it’s a religion of pieces — piece of body here, piece of body there.”
  • “When I see those ‘coexist’ bumper stickers on cars, I laugh because I think it’s ridiculous.”
  • “Anybody with a fraction of a brain should be afraid of Islam because it’s a dangerous doctrine.”


