M Vinodh Kumar

Islamophobic Remarks :

String Reveals, managed by M Vinodh Kumar, is renowned for promoting anti-Muslim prejudice and radical Hindu ideology. Kumar, a Warangal, Telangana native who graduated from the National Institute of Technology, works as a VFX and video editor for Akartha Studio.

Kumar refers to himself as a “seeker of spirituality” and is a follower of the contentious spiritual leader Sadhguru. He thinks that the dream of the “Hindu Rashtra” (Hindu nation) can only be realized through spirituality. His channel has a number of videos that are blatant examples of Hindu fanaticism, Islamophobia, and hate speech directed at Muslims and other minorities.


His videos cash on anti-Muslim conspiracy theories combined with Hindu extremist propaganda and big lies wrapped inside the cover of fake stats, fictitious figures, and reports.

He expressed hatred for those who supported the hijab in 2022 and claimed that their demonstrations were “planned events” with foreign sponsorship that took place “while Hindus are sleeping in their homes.”


He questioned Muslim girls’ choice to wear hijab by asking, “Do you wear it for the sake of love (for your religion) or love jihad ?”

“What are you planning to do inside the burqa?”

In a another movie called “Madrasa Mushrooms,” he made the incorrect assertion that the majority of Indian madrassas are constructed by destroying Hindu temples. The traditional Islamic educational institutions, he continued, are a “hotbed of anti-national activities” and fly Islamic flags on their structures.

In support of the contentious madrassa study carried out by the Uttar Pradesh government, he asserted that madrassas hide illegal immigrants and anti-nationals and offer simple entry into India for foes from the surrounding countries.

Islamophobia, in his opinion, is a fabrication, and India does not have the anti-Muslim climate that has been suggested.


He compared a Muslim journalist to “termites” in a video report: Arfa Khanam Sherwani once said, “People like him are like termites; they eat the country from the inside.”

“It is no wonder that people label the supporters of Shaheen Bagh, the ‘tukde-tukde gang,’ and all those who want to break the country as anti-nationals,” he continued, referring to the 2019–20 anti–CAA protest spearheaded by Muslim women in Delhi.


He played the stereotypical Hindu victim card in an episode titled “How to destroy anti-nationals,” reminding viewers of how Muslims and other foreign invaders had repressed Hindus. In India, he said, Hindus are the victims, and they should not feel sorry for the plight of the Muslims. Ideally, he said, Muslims and Christians should apologize to the Hindus.


Kumar is a fervent follower of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP, which is a radical right-wing organization. In response to allegations of stock manipulation and accounting fraud made by New York-based investor Hindenburg Research, he concocted a number of erroneous conspiracy theories to support Modi and his industrialist pal Gautam Adani.


In a number of videos, Kumar made a number of unfounded claims, including the one that Indian journalists and fact-checking organizations, along with American billionaire George Soros, environmentalist Greta Thunberg, and pop singer Rihanna, are pushing an anti-India agenda from foreign outposts to break India. He also discussed the putative “money trail” that purportedly leads to India and the toolkits employed there in anti-national actions.


He asserted in numerous videos that a “conspiracy against India” was being planned on a global scale to topple the Modi government.

He accused them of wanting to paint India green or blue (implying that Muslims and Christians are working to turn India into an Islamic and a Christian nation, respectively) in another report from May 2023 titled “India without BJP.”

He propagated the myth that Muslims stage riots, pose as fruit vendors to engage in “love jihad,” and convert Hindus forcibly in order to grow in number, subjugate India, and establish an Islamic state. He issues a warning at the conclusion of the video: “A conflict is coming; are we (Hindus) prepared? There is a risk if we don’t support the BJP.



