Madhu Purnima Kishwar

Islamophobic Remarks :

Madhu Purnima Kishwar is a journalist, academic, and commentator on sociopolitics. She has worked with the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, and the University of Delhi. At the latter, she oversaw the Indic Studies Project.

Modi, Muslims, and India: Voices from Narendra Modi’s Gujarat 2014 is one of many books she has written.

Kishwar is one of the leading propagandists for Hindu extremism who, through their writing and public speeches, are ferociously introducing the agenda of Hindu extremism into the Indian national dialogue.

She has outgrown all of her former positions in the last few years and made a name for herself as a fervent Hindu radical.

In addition to her articles and talks, she has increased the anti-Muslim and Islamophobic content on her social media profiles. Her Twitter is rife with false information and hate speech that relentlessly denigrates and dehumanizes Muslims. Her YouTube channel spreads similar poisonous, hateful stuff. Hateful individuals like Pushpendra Kulshrestha and Kapil Mishra have been invited and interviewed on her platform.

She had previously been regarded as a liberal, progressive, and secular intellectual. Many people consider her shift in position and her great regard for Modi, the BJP, and the story of Hindu extremists to be completely “opportunistic.” Whatever it is, the quantity of toxicity she spews plays a significant role in the nation’s escalating anti-Muslim climate.

She had previously been regarded as a liberal, progressive, and secular intellectual. Many people consider her shift in position and her great regard for Modi, the BJP, and the story of Hindu extremists to be completely “opportunistic.” Whatever it is, the quantity of toxicity she spews plays a significant role in the nation’s escalating anti-Muslim climate.

Hindus, in the opinion of Kishwar, have been duped into thinking that India is a secular nation, and secularism has shown to be very destructive to Hindus. She supports the notions of Hindu Supremacy and Hindu Rashtra. Non-Indic religions and their adherents are seen by her as foreigners attempting to conquer the nation and undermine its Hindu culture.

She has changed the name of the ‘Love Jihad’ conspiracy theory to ‘Sex Jihad’ or ‘Womb Jihad’. She has an excessive inclination toward the bogeyman of Love Jihad. In support of the fake Love Jihad, she claims that “Muslim men are trained stud bulls who seduce women from other religions.”

She has argued for the amputation of the hands of Muslims who engage in “love jihad.”

She referred to Danish Siddiqui, an Indian photojournalist who won the Pulitzer Prize, as a “jihadi.” Siddiqui was slain while reporting from Afghanistan in a Taliban ambush.

She casually refers to both well-known Muslims and everyday Muslims as “Jihadis” in an effort to denigrate the Muslim community. She claims that Muslims are “adiyal” (headstrong), “ziddi” (stubborn), and “fasiwadi” (Fascist).

She stated during a panel discussion that using violence up to the point where it is proportionate to the “cause” is acceptable. She claims that Hinduism is not just about peace and that this ill-treatment has eroded Hindus’ self-respect.Hindus must demonstrate their skati (power) in order to make things right.

She enjoys disseminating false information that fact-checkers repeatedly refute. Her hostile online behaviors have been documented in detail by Alt News, and the list is rather extensive. She also creates false information on her own, as and when necessary, to forward the anti-Muslim goal. These false news stories are fundamentally anti-Muslim or Islamophobic or sexist, racist, or all of those things, and they spread to millions of people through WhatsApp groups.

She has had numerous complaints for disseminating false information, yet she doesn’t stop.

She has defended Hindu cult leader Asaram, who was convicted of rape.

She also alleged that Muslims were behind a plot to discredit the hate preacher and self-declared Godman Dhirendra Shastri, also known as Bageshwar Baba, by falsely accusing him of trying to block Hindus from converting to Islam.


