Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser

Jasser’s Bigotry :

Jasser was opposed to an Islamic center being built near Ground Zero (infamously referred to as the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’) built by Imam Rauf. He weighed in on the controversy, suggesting that the Imam and his followers were not “sensitive” to the feelings of those who lost loved ones on 9/11 — implicating the religion with the terrorist attacks: 

Jasser believes in conspiracy theories, like that CAIR is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and promoting “propaganda” of the “victimized Muslim” (i.e. “there is no such thing as Islamophobia”). He also believes this victim narrative is the primary reason for terrorists existing (as though foreign policy has absolutely nothing to do with it) and thinks Muslims Americans can only fight terrorism/extremism by showing unquestionable and utter allegiance to the United States and its values: 

Jasser believes that the OIC and its 57 member states are the “drug distributors of Islamist’s meth” and are inherently violent. In other words, he believes the majority of the Muslim world is violent/not peaceful: [3]

Jasser has taken part in documentaries warning about how radical Islamists are trying to “take over America”: [4]

Jasser has frequently attacked religious leaders like Siraj Wahhaj and promoted the conspiracy theory of “Islamic deceit” (i.e. taqiyya): [5]

Despite his claims that the OIC is promoting “Islamists meth”, Jasser also claims that one is a bigot if they think “the Muslim Brotherhood speaks for all Muslims”: [6]

Overview :

M. Zuhdi Jasser, M.D. is an adviser for the Clarion Project and the Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD).  A secular liberal Muslim, Dr. Jasser founded AIFD in the wake of the 9/11 attacks on the United States as an effort to provide an American Muslim voice advocating for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state.

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