Mohan Bhagwat

Islamophobic Remarks :

The current chief of the Hindu supremacist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a paramilitary group that is in charge of planning several killings against Muslims and Christians in India, is Mohan Bhagwat.

The RSS, commonly referred to as the Sangh, was outlawed three times in India following independence. It was founded in 1925. Following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948, the group was first banned on charges of arranging the national hero’s death.

A persistent campaign to undermine India’s secular foundations and transform it into a Hindu authoritarian state where minorities are treated as second-class citizens has seen the RSS directly coordinate anti-Christian and anti-Muslim pogroms and incite terror attacks. Numerous acts of mass murder, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, forced conversions, and other types of violence against religious minorities in India have been linked to its members and related organizations. The leaders of the RSS have publicly stated their intention to “wipe off” Christianity and Islam from India. They also support the idea that Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism are just branches of Hinduism and should not be given their own religious identities.

Even though Bhagwat began his professional life as a veterinarian, he returned to the upper class of his RSS family after just six months. He rose to the position of district pracharak in Maharashtra’s Akola. Subsequently, he worked in Vidharbha and Bihar to strengthen his network inside the RSS and gained the reputation of being easily approachable by other members of the RSS.

Bhagwat has consistently denied the presence of Muslims in India and has attempted to portray them as Hindus in his pursuit of a Hindu homeland.

The fact that we are descended from the same forebears over 40,000 years ago has been established. Indians share the same DNA. He stated, “Hindus and Muslims are not two groups; they already belong together and have nothing to unite.”Hinduism’s various branches.

The RSS sarsanghchalak revealed the misogynistic nature of the Sangh in a 2013 speech when he threatened to disown women who broke the terms of their marriage. Furthermore, he disregarded sexual offenses and rapes committed against women in rural India, believing instead that gang rapes occur in certain urban areas, allegedly involving women who do not adhere to Indian customs.

His remark that the RSS can develop an army more quickly than the Indian national army caused him to face criticism. At an RSS worker gathering in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, he said the Sangh could get the military ready in three days, whereas the Army would need six to seven months.

In 2015, Bhagwat, like other cadres in the RSS, questioned Mother Teresa’s methods. In line with the RSS’s stance on missionaries, Bhagwat said that Mother Teresa’s humanitarian efforts were really intended to convert Hindus to Christianity.

Some of his controversial statements:

“Everyone who is born in the nation is a Hindu, though not all of them worship idols. Even Muslims are merely Muslims by faith; they are Hindus by nationality. Hindus reside in Hindustan, much as Americans, Germans, and English reside in America, Germany, and England, respectively.

These kinds of crimes are rare in “Bharat,” yet they happen often in “India.” If you visit the nation’s villages and woodlands, you won’t come across any instances of gang rape or other sexual offenses. They are prevalent in some urban belts. In addition to new laws, the Indian culture and mindset regarding women need to be reexamined in light of traditional Indian beliefs.

“India has no option other than a Hindu society and Hindu society has no option but to behave like a family.”


