Narottam Mishra

Islamophobic Remarks :

Hard-core Hindu far-right politician Narottam Mishra. He serves as the current Minister for Home Affairs, Law and Legislative Affairs, Prisons, and Parliamentary Affairs in the Madhya Pradesh government. He is a member of the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). Since entering office, the state has seen a dramatic increase in hate crimes and hate speech directed towards minorities.

He is unapologetically anti-Muslim and Islamophobic. He has objected to TV commercials that show the Muslim way of life or inter-community affection between Hindus and Muslims. Tanishq, a jewelry brand, had to take down an advertisement that depicted a Hindu girl being married and welcomed into a Muslim family.

In another instance, Mishra requested (warned) actor Amir Khan to avoid doing ads that could potentially hurt the ‘Hindu sentiments.’

Mishra threatened legal action against the movie Adipurush, claiming the directors had portrayed Hindu gods in the “wrong” way. In the movie, which is based on the epic Ramayana, Saif Ali Khan plays the role of Lankesh/Ravana.

Mishra is a staunch devotee of controversial Self-styled Godman, Dhirendra Shastri alias Bageshwar Baba who claims to possess miraculous powers.

Dhirendra Shastri has called him Hindu Babbar Sher (Lion). Baba has time and again praised him for his Hindu far-right stance.

Baba profoundly says, ‘politics should be like this, which consolidates the nation in the name of Lord Ram.’

The Madhya Pradesh legislature amended the 1968 Anti-Conversion Law at Mishra’s request, making interreligious conversion criminal by up to five years in prison, cognizable, and non-bailable. In reaction to the “Love Jihad” conspiracy idea, this amendment was proposed. The amendment adds to the long list of anti-love jihad laws passed in BJP-ruled states and aims to legitimize the bogus rhetoric of love jihad.

During the anti-Muslim riots in Khargone, Madhya Pradesh, in April 2022, Mishra attributed the breakdown of peace to the victims—Muslims. The Mishra-led ministry’s state police, which is in charge, has filed complaints against numerous Muslims who have endured brutal torture, including minors. “Jin gharon se pathar aae hain unhe pathar me badal denge,” stated Narottam (will make those houses a heap of stones, from where stones were pelted).

Following his directions, the authorities bulldozed dozens of buildings belonging to Muslims.

In line with the Hindutva meta-narrative, Mishra has been relentlessly attacking Madrasas (Traditional Islamic Institutions of Religious Learning) in the state and has directed that the respective District Magistrates examine the curricula being taught there.

Mishra’s political career has a stain on it. Due to allegations of paid news and misinformation, the Election Commission barred Mishra from running in elections for three years in June 2017. But, as is often the case, he was granted relief by the Delhi High Court. The commission petitioned the Supreme Court, but the court refused to overturn the high court’s decision, and Mishra ran for office and won.

In 2013, the local magazine Jagat Vision carried a cover story on Mishra titled ‘Narottam ya naradham,’ which loosely translates to “excellent man or despicable human.” It detailed allegations of corruption, extortion, forceful possession, exploitation, kidnapping, ransom, and murder against Mishra.


