Neeraj Doneria

Islamophobic Remarks :

Neeraj Doneria is the national convener of the Hindu militant group Bajrang Dal and a leader of the radical Hindu movement. He has ties to the Vishwa Hindu Prashad (VHP) and is well-known for his fiery rallies and contentious remarks.

Doneria is a devotee of the Hindu Rashtra (country), and she has little regard for India’s secular constitution. “Hindu interest is the national interest,” claims Doneria. Therefore, Hindu interests and the honor of Hindutva should be upheld at all costs.

He spreads Islamophobic propaganda widely and supports anti-Muslim conspiracy theories, as is typical of people of his kind. He thinks Muslims are working together to change the nation’s “demography and transform it into an Islamic nation.”

He openly calls on Muslim men to undergo mandatory vasectomies in order to reverse the worrisome population growth.

To ensure that “small families remain happy families,” any government that cares about the welfare of Muslims should mandate their sterilization rather than imposing restrictions. Otherwise, pass a legislation requiring population control,” he tweeted.

Doneria holds the opinion that Hindus own India and that Muslims should leave the nation.

He fervently backs cow vigilantism and boasts of having saved millions of cows’ lives. One of his favorite pursuits is the spread of the ‘Love Jihad’ lie. He plans and participates in events where openly pro-Muslim remarks and demands for Muslim boycotts and genocide are made.