Nonie Darwish


Function: Polemicist, Native Informer

Affiliation(s): Center for Security Policy (fellow), Former Muslims United (founder) 

Employer: Arabs for Israel (CEO)


At a rally in 2011 organized by Geller’s Stop Islamization of America, Darwish said that Islam needs to be “conquered” and “annihilated”: 

  • “Islam is a poison to a society. It’s divisive. It’s hateful. Look what Islam is doing on our college campuses. It’s full of anti-Semitism…Islam should be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered and defeated and annihilated!” [1

In a 2013 article for the Gatestone Institute, Darwish blamed peaceful Muslims for “defending” and “being silent” about terrorism and extremism:

  • Even though our visible problem is with the Muslim jihadists, the so-called “moderate” Muslims have often been silent enablers and defenders, perhaps from inertia, misinformation or fear of reprisals against them, including death threats to them and members of their family should they speak out. [2]

In another article on the Gatestone Institute website, Darwish lays out bullet points accusing all Muslim-majority nations and Islamic theologians as being allied with terrorist groups: 

  • By Western standards, military rule is shunned as an oppressive form of government, but in the Islamic world it is the only buffer of protection from the tyranny of total sharia law that must be enforced by Islamic theocracies, such as those of Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  • The days of sacrificing the safety and security of citizens of the West for the sake of multiculturalism, are over. In order for multiculturalism to work, it must be a two-way street between people that share common values of respect of each other’s culture. Unfortunately, the West did not get that from Islam.
  • It really does not matter what is “true Islam”. That is something the Muslim world needs to deal with internally; it does not serve us in the West to try to evaluate what is “true Islam” and what is not.
  • Your religious leaders, whose salaries are paid by Islamic governments, stand before your media cameras and call on Muslims to stab, slam trucks, kill, rape and humiliate the kafir [non-Muslim] Jews, Christians and Pagans.
  • Islamic governments and terror groups are two peas in a pod, working together for the same goal: enforcing Allah’s law, sharia, on the world. It is no secret that a Muslim head of state must rule by sharia and must conduct jihad against non-Muslims. Sharia law commands Muslim citizens to remove, by rebellion or assassination, any Muslim leader who does not abide by sharia and support jihadists. [3]

Darwish’s group, Former Muslims United, opposed the construction of a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in 2010. In justifying the group’s opposition to the mosque, Darwish said: 

  • “A mosque is not just a place for worship. It’s a place where war is started, where commandments to do jihad start, where incitements against non-Muslims occur. It’s a place where ammunition was stored.” [4]

Darwish also demonizes Muslims in the West and abroad as being pathological liars who believe slandering non-believers is permissible under Islamic Law. Despite claiming that she “doesn’t talk about people”, she frequently applies her own understanding of Islamic principles on to whole populations. For example, on November 26, 2012, she gave a speech at the University of California, Irving titled “Freedom of Speech vs. Blasphemy in Islam : Should American Values Submit to Islamic Censorship?” where she stated the following: 

  • Slander is permissible. There are two or three pages of permissible slander in Islamic legal books and scriptures. Legal slander…There is no coincidence, in the Muslim world, why slander is used on a daily basis on Arab TV. It’s not a coincidence, it’s legal. It’s not just legal, you are obliged to do it if it is for the benefit of Islam…And this is the infection we are getting [in America] by shariah. A lot of people think that shariah, with its blasphemy laws and apostasy laws, is just a religious right…but what about the law that states and apostate must be killed or that a woman who commits adultery can be killed by her husband? These are laws that are totally against our Bill of Rights in America. How are we going to reconcile this? Something has to give. Is it going to be us or them? Well, they [American Muslims] believe this is their religious right, to kill, because jihad is killing. The definition of jihad is to ‘war with non-Muslims to establish the religion’…I am talking about an ideology. I am not talking about people. [5]

Relevant Publications:  Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on TerrorCruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic LawThe Devil We Don’t Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East, and Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islamic Values.


Nonie Darwish was born in 1949 in Cairo, Egypt. Her father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was paternally of Turkish ancestry. In the 1950s her family moved to Gaza when her father was sent by Gamal Abdel Nasser to serve as commander of the Egyptian Army Intelligence in Gaza, which was under supervision of Egypt. Hafez founded the fedayeen who launched raids across Israel’s southern border, that between 1951 and 1956, killed many Israelis, the majority civilians.In July 1956 when Nonie was six years old, her father was killed by a mail bomb in an operation by the Israeli Defense Forces.  The assassination was a response to Fedayeen’s attacks, making Darwish’s father a shahid. The assassination was planned by Yehoshafat Harkabi. During his speech announcing the nationalization of the Suez Canal, Nasser vowed that all of Egypt would take revenge for Hafez’s death. Darwish claims that Nasser asked her and her siblings, “Which one of you will avenge your father’s death by killing Jews?”
Darwish explains:

  • I always blamed Israel for my father’s death, because that’s what I was taught. I never looked at why Israel killed my father. They killed my father because the fedayeen were killing Israelis. They killed my father because when I was growing up, we had to recite poetry pledging jihad against Israel. We would have tears in our eyes, pledging that we wanted to die. I speak to people who think there was no terrorism against Israel before the ’67 war. How can they deny it? My father died in it.”

After the death of her father, her family moved back to Cairo, where she attended Catholic high school and then the American University in Cairo, earning a BA in Sociology/Anthropology. She then worked as an editor and translator for the Middle East News Agency, until emigrating to the United States in 1978 with her husband, ultimately receiving United States citizenship. After arriving in the US, she became a Christian and began attending a non-denominational evangelical church. About a year after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Darwish began writing columns critical of Islamic extremism and the silence of moderate Muslims.

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