Pratap Chandra Sarangi

Islamophobic Remarks :

Pratap Chandra Sarangi is an Odisha politician from Balasore who is a member of the National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he served as a Member of Parliament and as the former Union Minister of State for Animal Husbandry.

He’s a well-known member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Sarangi worked for the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, and the RSS as a district-level volunteer.

He was instrumental in getting the word out about Ekal Vidyalaya schools in Odisha. Ekal is charged with indoctrinating students in isolated communities populated by tribal people and spreading hate speech against Muslims and Christians. The Friends of Tribals Society-run Ekal schools were found to be Hinduizing the primary school curriculum and “creating disharmony amongst religious groups and creating a political cadre” in a 2005 study published by the Union Human Resource Development Ministry. In that same year, the government ceased providing subsidies and cash to schools operated by Ekal.

The violent youth branch of the VHP, the Bajrang Dal, which Sarangi was the State convener of in 1999, was accused of organizing a Hindu mob that killed Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two children by burning. Sarangi was never questioned in the case; in contrast, Bajrang Dal member and chief accused Dara Singh and his assistant Mahendra Hembram are both serving life terms.

As the Bajrang Dal was not an unlawful group, a panel created by the federal government had not even looked into its role, according to a 2003 Frontline article, implying that legitimate organizations could not organize or carry out such horrible atrocities.

Sarangi, a former member of the VHP, took part in an assault on the Odisha Assembly in 2002. 66 other people were arrested with him on suspicion of arson, rioting, and causing damage to government property.

Sarangi lists 10 criminal cases against him in his electoral affidavit, despite the fact that he has never been found guilty in any of them.

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