Preet Singh

Islamophobic Remarks :

Hindu extreme leader Preet Singh hails from New Delhi. He established the Save India Foundation (SIF), a Hindu supremacist group that plans anti-Muslim protests and genocide operations under the garb of Hindu Mahapanchayats (Hindu Religious Parliament).

The Hindu Mahapanchayat (Hindu Religious Parliament), which was held at Burari, New Delhi in April 2022, and the “Bharat Jodi Aandolan,” an anti-Muslim hate speech rally, were two significant on-the-ground activities that SIF planned.

Both gatherings featured anti-Muslim rhetoric, hate speeches, calls for the annihilation of Muslims, and appeals for violence. Prominent advocates of hatred and genocide, such as Yati Narsinghananda Saraswati, attended both meetings.

Following are a few examples of phrases used at the gathering to demonstrate the extent of bigotry and hatred that the attendees harbored in their hearts:

“Jai Shree Ram” is said in Hindustan mein rehna hoga.

Chant “Jai Shree Ram” if you desire to live in India.

It says, “Jab Mulle kaate jayenge to Ram Ram Chillaenge.”

(Muslims would be massacred while yelling “Jai Shree Ram”).

After the event, numerous cases were filed against the organizers, including Preet Singh, for violating the Covid-19 guidelines under sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups) and 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant).

Singh was ultimately detained for planning the occasion. Four additional people, including Vinod Sharma, Deepak (one name only), Vineet Kranti, and Deepak Singh (president of the organization Hindu Force), were also detained.

But a month later, the Delhi High Court granted Preet Singh and the other defendants bail.

Singh actively works against religious minorities in the area in addition to planning such homicidal initiatives.

He has strong feelings towards the word “minority” in general. He has pushed for the legal and constitutional elimination of the term “minority.”

Singh states on his Twitter page that “There is no minority in India in the international sense of the word.” His Twitter wall is littered with anti-minority messages.

His opinions on religious conversions are similar. Singh believes that Christians and Muslims have a covert agenda to convert Hindus to Christianity and Islam. To prevent interreligious conversions in the nation, he calls for a strong rule.

How many Hindus have read and comprehended the Bible or the Quran to convert to another faith? A Hindu should decide whether to be influenced by the Bible and the Quran if he converts to Islam or Christianity. but that’s not how it is! Through coercion, deception, or money, Hindus are being lured into Christianity and Islam, Singh tweeted (in Hindi).

Singh encourages Hindus by defending the violence that takes place in India during Hindu Festivals by saying:

“Hindus! It is imperative that you apologize.

Only a greater throng can terrify the “mob system.”

In response to the Muslim call to prayer, if they (Muslims) claim that DJs (loudspeakers) are being played in front of us, then you (Hindus) should explain why you are playing the loudspeaker five times.

If they claim to have scaled the mosque’s wall, you will then claim that the entire structure was constructed on top of Hindu temples.

His persistent Dharmsansads (religious parliaments) and anti-Muslim rallies and campaigns that have been conducted under the umbrella of SIF demonstrate his strong ambition to turn India into a Hindu Rashtra (country).


