Pushpendra Kulshrestha

Islamophobic Remarks :

Pushpendra Kulshrestha is a Hindu supremacist and a pseudo-intellectual who relentlessly spreads hatred against Muslims and Islam through his speeches, lectures and writings.

Kulshrestha is a distinguished Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) alumnus. He claims to have worked as a journalist in Pakistan for a long period of time. Kulshrestha states that it was in these locations that he first became familiar with Islam and Muslims and began to acquire a desire to oppose them.

Not once, but three times, he succeeded in getting himself chosen as general secretary of the Press Club of India (PCI). He was expelled from the Press Club after being discovered engaging in financial violations during his third term in 2009 there. Kulshrestha was charged with “autocratic behavior” and “financial irregularities” by Kazmi, the Press Club of India’s treasurer at the time. He was fired, and fraud charges were filed against him.

He asserts to have researched and comprehended Islam. His writings and lectures, however, paint a different picture. Kulshrestha is a master at misrepresenting the Quran and Hadiths in order to denigrate and mock Islam and Muslims. His remarks are filled to the brim with false accusations, unsupported facts, libel against Muslims and Islam, as well as defamation and slander.

He fabricates stories and appropriates historical events to further his vicious anti-Islamic propaganda.

His website lists the following as his Vision & Mission:

“Our Vision is to promote Nationalism among each and every Proud Bhartiya so that the Sanatani (Hindu) values, which is the only guarantee of peace, love and preservation of our nature, be infused in the present generation that would be inherited by the posterity. Our Mission is to present the Truth of our distorted history before our ignorant generation so that they may be proud about their glorious culture and heritage and become stronger and courageous enough in their resolve to protect it”

His YouTube channel has  6.35 million subscribers with massive viewership that goes in millions. There are a plethora of such propaganda stuffed channels on YouTube that are busy in sharing Kulshrestha’s hate-mongering such as FWF India, MCD News, The Bhagava Hindu. 

His Facebook page with 530k followers and twitter account with 225k followers are constant sources of unequivocally violent anti-Muslim propaganda.


Kulshrestha tries his best to sound intellectual and spews hate and bigotry in a very calm and composed manner. The gravity of his anti-Muslim and Islamophobic stance is overtly visible in following few of his statements noted below.

“The deadliest enemy of Hindus are educated cunning Muslims. The Quran is the book that teaches hate’. ‘Seemingly benign Muslims are most dangerous. It is their silence that  divided the country”

“These soldiers of Allah(referring to Tablighi Jamaàt) wearing younger brother’s pajamas and elder brother’s cloak ( mocking Muslim traditional attire), roam around knocking at doors asking people to perform Namaaz (Muslim Prayer) why!?…(Ye Allah Miyan ki Fojj, chote bhai ka kurta bade bhai ka paejama pahan kar har darwaze par thak thak karte phirte hain, namaz padhiye, kyun bhai!?”

“If we Hindus sincerely unite ourselves then the day is not far when these Azaan (muslim call to prayer), Namaaz (Muslim prayer) shall end (in India) and Muslims shall wear Hindu sacred thread over their Cloaks”

“There is small country called Burma (Myanmar) , Muslims wanted to establish Shariya Law, Buddhists of Myanmar taught them a good lesson’ (referring to Rohingya Genocide)”

“Minorities Commission (a government body  dedicated to welfare of minorities) must be abolished”


