Raheel Raza

Raheel’s Islamophobic Remarks :

Raza believes that Western foreign policy has little to do with terrorism and that Muslims should take responsibility for it (and the subsequent Islamophobic backlash): 

Raza also believes the OIC and its 57 member states are a caliphate which is apathetic towards terrorism, despite being the greatest victims of terrorism across the world: 

Raza believes in the conspiracy theory that there are groups acting in the United States and Canada which openly follow the ideology of ISIS and the Taliban (e.g. Muslim Brotherhood and it’s “affiliates” like CAIR and ISNA etc.). She then goes on to assert that these organizations are like ISIS etc. because they have an exclusive view of Islam and supposedly teach people to “play victim”. Ironically, she doesn’t seem to realize her own views are exclusive, thereby putting her in the same camp as what she impugns: 

Raza believes that mainstream Islam (what she calls “Boxed Islam”) is inherently evil and her exclusive version of Islam is inherently good. She believes that mainstream Islam wants to kill homosexuals, that claiming shariah and jihad are “benign” is wrong, and that basic religious obligations (e.g. hijab) are not really obligations and inherent of extremism. Her opinion would be benign in and of itself if she did not correlate the mainstream with groups like ISIS and the Taliban. In other words, Raza believes most Muslims are extremist: 

Raza believes that Muslims who do not openly condemn extremists in the way she wants them to are by default supportive of extremists (i.e. guilt by association): 

Raza considers Islamophobia to be a “fad” and “propaganda” and anyone who speaks for all Muslims (like Raza herself, ironically) is being “dictatorial and extreme”: 

Overview :

Raheel Raza is an adviser to Clarion Project. She is an award-winning author, journalist and filmmaker on the topics of jihad and sharia. She is one of the activists featured in Honor Diaries, the President of The Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, author of the book Their Jihad – Not My Jihad, an award-winning journalist, and an activist for human rights, gender equality, and dignity in diversity. Raheel is a Distinguished Senior Fellow with The Gatestone Institute, and has addressed audiences at universities around the world, including Harvard, Columbia, Oxford, and Cambridge. She has also been invited to speak before the Parliaments of Sweden, UK, Israel, and to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

Website: https://muslimsfacingtomorrow.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raheel.raza.14 and https://www.facebook.com/OfficialRaheelRaza/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Raheelraza
Contactrazzaz55@gmail.com and info@muslimsfacingtomorrow.com