Rahul Roushan

Islamophobic Remarks :

Rahul Roushan is a businessman, writer, and the current leader of the Hindu far-right propaganda organization OpIndia. He is a strong believer in Hindu nationalism. He started Faking News and previously worked with Swarajya.

Despite claiming to be a “expert on nothing,” caste supremacist Roushan (a Bhumihar Brahman from Bihar) is a prodigy at disseminating false information and anti-Muslim propaganda.

He is a blatant Sanghi (Hindu Supremacist), to the point where he even gave his book the title “Sanghi Who Never Went To A Shakha.”

He describes how he became into the stereotypical Hindu victim in his book. He claims that he frequently experiences hallucinations of being attacked by Muslims and Naxals without cause, which made him paranoid.

“My personal paranoia for Hindus’ future is nearly maniacal. I estimate that at least 30% of Indians fall into the hostile and condescending groups collectively; this could quickly reach a tipping point. Additionally, as I have already indicated at one point in this book, I believe that the events of the present day and those that occurred in the years preceding the partition of India are very similar. If Hindus don’t wake up, I see history repeating itself, the author writes.

I’m so nervous right now that I think Hindus are being well fed and fattened for the ritual slaughter. Ironically, any attempt to alert people to the perils of civilization is referred to as ‘attempts to deflect from the genuine issues,’” he continues.

Roushan has received numerous indictments for disseminating false information, propaganda, and anti-minority prejudice.

He has been the focus of numerous complaints for fabricating information about the sectarian unrest in Telinipara (West Bengal) in 2020, which included “systematically executed attacks targeting the neighborhood’s Muslim residents.” In contrast to reality, his reports painted Muslims as the culprits and Hindus as the victims of the violence, which actually occurred.

On another occasion, OpIndia mischaracterized residents in the southern state of Tamil Nadu as having attacked the migrant laborers from north India in “Talibani style” through its fabricated reports.

Consequently, cases were filed in Tamil Nadu against Roushan, CEO of OpIndia, and its Editor Nupur J Sharma for disseminating false information and inciting fear among migrant workers in the state under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 153-A (promoting enmity between different groups) and 505 (statements conducting to public mischief).

Despite these obstacles, Roushan has secretly harbored a burning wish to see the Muslim population massacred. He frequently urges Hindus to start a full-scale Muslim genocide in the nation because he is dissatisfied with the random mob lynching episodes.

He tweeted this “advice” to gau rakshaks (cow vigilantes accused of killing Muslims), telling them to stop engaging in various forms of lynching and instead employ widespread violence to garner attention. Roushan responded to a tweet sent by activist and lawyer Prashant Bhushan.

He is definitely not acting alone in this effort to advance the ugly anti-Muslim agenda. He participates in events alongside eminent propagandists like Madhu Kishwar in an effort to mainstream the story of Hindu extremism.

Roushan compares Islamophobia to the anti-caste rhetoric in an effort to legitimize it. He is a Bhumihar from Bihar who believes attacks against the dominance of Brahmins pose a threat to their caste.

In his publications, he angrily launched a full-fledged witch hunt against Islam. In a blog post titled “The Problem With Islam, A Short Analysis,” he makes the claim that “But Unless Muslims Start Questioning and Rejecting Some of These Aspects, Including Some Verse of the Quran, Nothing Will Change. It won’t help to say things like “everything is right” and “Islam is just a misunderstood religion.”

Where is the Ambedkar that Islam needs, asks a blog post. And it needs one desperately,” he said, claiming that Islam is in need of an Ambedkar-like figure who would challenge its tenets and protect humanity from the savagery of Islam.

“By Ambedkar of Islam, I mean a reformer who can challenge conventional Islam in the same way that Ambedkar challenged conventional Hinduism, nearly to the point of eradicating it from existence. The Indian liberal who doesn’t long for an Ambedkar, whom Islam much needs in these modern times, is either an utter coward or a virulently anti-Hindu (as a result of double standards),” he stated.

In another article, he said that the false premise of the “Love Jihad” was the outcome of an ideology that didn’t require a catalyst to cause a “wave of radicalization. Islamism is that ideology, which seeks to return Islam to its illustrious past by going back to its fundamentals, even if it means returning to the Middle Ages. The treatment of women as war loot is also included, which can serve as the intellectual underpinning for Love Jihad in India and sexual grooming in the UK.

His propaganda works are just as savage as his social media pages, which are rife with anti-Muslim invective and ranting.