Ryan Mauro

Ryan’s Islamophobic Remarks :

Mauro has previously collaborated with ACT for America, an anti-Muslim grassroots network with chapters around the country. In 2015, Mauro was one of the speakers at ACT for America’s National Conference and Legislative Briefing, which was keynoted by Ayaan Hirsi Ali.[1] He has accused public officials of wild conspiracy theories, including Hillary Clinton’s former presidential running mate, Tim Kaine, of supporting Islamists: 

In  an article he wrote for the Center for Security Policy, Mauro argues that the Muslim Brotherhood is a major influence in the Republican party: 

Mauro often attempts to present a dichotomy between “Islamists extremists” and “anti-Muslim extremists” so as to distance himself from the latter. However, his insistence on associating mainstream Muslims into the former is no different from the anti-Muslim extremism he purports to be against.[4

 For example, Mauro often calls out politicians for associating with CAIR — the only Muslim civil rights organization operating in America — because he believes the organization is a “front” for the Muslim Brotherhood: [5

Mauro also believes that there are numerous “Islamic villages” (i.e. Muslim extremists military camps) operating openly in the United States: [6

Overview :

Ryan Mauro is Clarion Project’s Shillman Fellow and National Security Analyst. A apparently consults to government agencies and policy-makers.
Mauro has made over 1,000 appearances on international radio and TV programs from both the left of the right, including frequent segments on FOX News Channel, Al-Hurra, CCTV, Voice of America, Wall Street Journal Live, etc. He’s been widely published and quoted in outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Hill, Roll Call and the Daily Caller.
He was originally hired as an “international security analyst” at age 16 for a maritime protection company. His armchair scholarship led to two speaking engagements at the International Intelligence Summit. The event’s material, including Mauro’s bio, were apparently found in inside Osama Bin Laden’s Pakistan compound, which Mauro apparently prides himself for. He is also an adjunct professor teaching counter-terrorism for Liberty University and a frequent commentator on far-right news media.

Website: https://ryanmauro.com/ and https://clarionproject.org/ and https://www.fuqrafiles.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanMauroAnalyst/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryanmauro


