Sadhvi Saraswati

Islamophobic Remarks :

Sadhvi Saraswati presents herself as a Hindu religious preacher, but she is actually a well-known speaker for Hindu right-wing organizations that hire her to make aggressive speeches against Muslims. She is a native of Madhya Pradesh’s Chhindwara district.

Sanatan Dharma Prachar Seva Samiti’s current president, Saraswati, has a sizable social media following.

She hardly completed third grade before quitting school. Her father served as the Bajrang Dal’s local convenor. She has been involved in the work of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh since an early age.

In June 2017, at the “Hindu Rashtra” gathering in Goa, Saraswati railed against Muslims and openly called for murder against people who eat beef and “seculars.”

“We can only refer to anyone who hurts a cow or mistreats the nation as our adversary. The government should publicly execute those politicians who advocate beef consumption in the nation and who view it as a status symbol. Our obligation is to protect the cow. People who are discovered butchering livestock should be subject to the same penalties as are used in homicide cases, she said.

Our biggest issue now is to “Pehle Hindu ko hi Hindu banana hai” (first we need to convert Hindus to Hinduism). They are dressed like seculars. These secularists will be the first targets of attack, she continued.

Hindus are being urged by the Sadhvi to arm themselves and stone Muslims in order to “save our women from love jihad.”

“I advise Hindu ladies to avoid Muslims. Make sure to toss stones at everyone who approaches. It’s rumored that Hindu women are converted to Islam after marriage to increase the Muslim population in India. In addition, the converted Hindu women are pushed to have up to 10-15 children and are treated like machines for bearing offspring. All those mothers and children became fundamentalists because of the Islam community, she claimed.

She made an inflammatory speech in Kerala in April 2018 in which she urged men to give their sisters swords so they could behead any practitioners of the “love jihad” and present their heads to Mother India.


