Saied Mighani

Islamophobic Remarks :

“Muslims were barbaric Arabs” until “civilized nations taught them many things,” tweeted Saied Mighani. along with several more anti-Palestinian tweets. A tweet with the hashtag #ShoveThePalestinianFlagUpYourAss is part of this.

Additionally, he asserts that attempts have been made to portray Muslims as unfulfilled, saying that “they have never had any significant scholar or scientist,” that they only attained Islamic knowledge through “barbarism,” and that their degree of “critical thinking” is “pathetic.”

Calling for more bombing on innocent Gazans :

Bio :

Lead ML Engineer Saied Mighani works for Disney Streaming. He earned his petroleum engineering bachelor’s degree from Tehran Polytechnic (2011) and master’s degree from University of Oklahoma (2014). At EAPS, he recently finished his PhD in geophysics and seismology. His areas of interest in research are rock mechanics and geophysics.