Sanjeev Newar

Islamophobic Remarks :

A graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Sanjeev Newar, also known as Sajveev Sanskrit, describes himself as a proponent of the Vedas, Sanskrit, and Sanskriti. He has produced a large body of propaganda material in an effort to demonize Muslims and militarize Hindus by manipulating history.

In order to advance the notion of Hindu dominance, Newar also formed a number of nonprofit organizations, including Agniveer, Seva Nyaya Utthan Foundation, and Gems of Bollywood. The notorious cow vigilante militia group known as Agniveer is active in several Indian states.

Through these tax-exempt organizations, Newar spreads anti-Muslim conspiracy theories under the guise of improving Vedic philosophy.

The “Seva Nyaya Utthan Foundation,” another project of the Newar, claims to offer “end-to-end service and justice” to the underprivileged. Even while it may sound admirable and wonderful, this group is no different from “Agniveer” in terms of disseminating anti-Muslim propaganda. The gang promotes ‘love jihad’ and ‘dharm parivartan’ (religious conversion) conspiracies.

His second phony system, “Gems of Bollywood,” uses racial criteria to grade Indian movies. The film review website claims to “extract Hindu-phobic elements” and expose Bollywood films’ covert “pro-Islamic/Muslim agenda.”

Hindus feel a sense of urgency and discomfort as a result of the practice, which also tends to foster a “common consciousness” against Muslims.

By advancing anti-Muslim propaganda and conspiracy theories, Newar has established a sinister empire within the Hindu extreme ecology.


