Satya Pal Singh

Islamophobic Remarks :

BJP leader Satya Pal Singh represents the Baghpat constituency in Uttar Pradesh in parliament. He was formerly the Minister of State in charge of Higher Education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the Minister of State under the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation. He had previously been Mumbai’s commissioner of police. He currently serves as Gurukul Kangri University’s chancellor as well.

From the beginning of his police career, Sangh had a special affection for Singh. The Sanghis first became aware of him when, in his capacity as Nagpur Police Commissioner, he began organizing Mritunjay clubs, primarily made up of Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP) students from college and university campuses. The idea behind these clubs was to help the police in their search for terrorists, or more specifically, Muslims, by spying on their acquaintances and neighbors. In Nagpur, he organized 386 of these groups from 122 senior institutions and 86 junior colleges. Then, the minority commission for the state questioned its purpose and validity.

His work as a member of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed by the Gujarat High Court to look into the Ishrat Jehan fake encounter case, which implicated Modi and his Gujarat administration, however, won him over to Modi and encouraged him to join the BJP as a better career option. In June 2011, he resigned from his position as chairman of the team, which also included two other people, Mohan Jha and Satish Verma, alleging disagreements with them. The other two members eventually came to the conclusion that the encounter was a charade.

Singh’s Hindu nationalist followers attacked Muslim neighborhoods in Delhi in February 2020 using swords, guns, bombs, rods, chains, and stones. The anti-Muslim pogrom, which lasted until February 27, claimed the lives of at least 53 individuals, the majority of whom were Muslims, and injured 500 more.

A Muslim victim claimed to have witnessed a man named Chawla participate in the rioting. Chawla allegedly contacted Satyapal Singh and connected him to the policeman in attendance while plundering a mosque.

“SHO sir continued addressing him as “sir sir.” Then he (Chawla) replied, “Take all this money to the MP from the cupboard.” The victim stated, “His (the MP’s) boy will meet you in Baghpat.”

Singh made disgusting comments about the late Australian leprosy worker Graham Staines in September 2020. Staines and his two small boys, Timothy and Philip, were burned death in Orissa in 1999 by Bajrang Dal commander Dara Singh.

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