Stephen C. Coughlin 

Islamophobic Remarks :

Coughlin’s conspiracies have often descended into apocalyptic imagery of immigrants taking over Europe and the United States ceasing to be as a result of the “Islamic takeover”: 

How bad are things? Very bad. The failure to identify, define, and counter the Islamic Movement and its threat to the American political philosophy and way of life endangers current and future generations of Americans and may lead to the end of the Republic. In five years, given current immigration rates and the gains being made overseas by Islamic Movement-affiliated entities, sharia-inspired wars will begin across Europe.  In the U.S. Government’s current state of reality dislocation, there is a high likelihood that U.S. policy will support the insurgent Islamic movements in these European countries.  In ten years, the Islamic Movement will have consolidated the new Caliphate under the leadership of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and begun the Caliphate’s expansion into Europe. Domestically, the United States will be ideologically fractured by the growing alliance between the hard left* and Islamic ideologies, both of which are already fueling domestic conflict. In 20 years, the United States may no longer exist as a unified nation under a common political philosophy. [1]

In his book, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, Coughlin shows glowing support for the Egyptian autocrat, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, known for his massive campaigns to jail and kill journalists, activists, and politicians who are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood: 

Correctly interpreted or not, Sisi recognizes that shariah is the heart of the issue; that jihadi-based terror is the consequence of that “sacralized corpus of texts,” not the drivers of it. There are compelling reasons to think President Sisi is serious about taking on this issue at a time when the Arab Muslim world may be turning in that direction. Muslim leaders like Sisi should be our natural allies, as their emergence signals the prospect of a genuine meeting of the minds. [Stephen Coughlin, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, (Washington: Center for Security Policy , 2015), 18. ]

Overview :

Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq., is an attorney, decorated intelligence officer and a self-proclaimed “specialist” on Islamic law, ideology and associated issues as they relate to terrorism and subversion.

Mr. Coughlin integrates experience in international law, intelligence, strategic communications and high-level project management in both the national defense and private sector to develop unique perspectives, assessments and training packages relating to the intersection of national security and Islamic law. He emphasizes evidentiary-based analysis.

In September 2001, Coughlin was mobilized from his private sector career and assigned to the Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Targeting (JCS-J2T).

In 2006, Coughlin was sought out “by name” and requested to support the Joint Staff J2 in counterterror threat analysis as a lead consultant. In 2007, Coughlin was awarded a Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College / Defense Intelligence Agency on the threat analysis aspects of Islamic law and related doctrine. In 2008 he was fired from the Joint Chief of Staff for reasons related to fiscal management. However, some of his supporters, such as Steve Emerson, believe he was fired for touting views which ran contrary to other official’s perceptions on the threat radical Islam posed to the country. What these differences were is not entire clear, although Coughlin has been known to spout conspiracy theories about the “infiltration” of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States and other Western nations. 
