Swami Chakrapani

Islamophobic Remarks :

A self-styled Hindu saint from Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, Swami Chakrapani. Chakrapani, who identifies as the President of the Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha, has gained a great deal of fame for his inflammatory remarks and support of Hindu supremacy. He frequently appears on television stations and uses his exposure to advance racism, misinformation, and anti-Muslim prejudice.

He said that individuals were punished for eating beef during the 2018 Kerala floods and promised to assist the victims only if they made an affidavit promising never to consume beef again. Days later, a “spicy beef curry” recipe was posted on his organization’s website as a result of a hack.

Chakrpani expressed concern over a “international conspiracy to destroy religion by feeding cow’s blood, meat, or fat in the name of covid-19 vaccine and medicine” during the Covid-19 vaccination drive in 2020, and she wrote a letter to the President of India to ask whether the vaccine contains cow’s blood.

The scientific community was working very hard to discover a cure for the fatal virus, but Chakrpani was completely on another level. According to him, the virus was a “avatar” sent to punish “non-vegetarians.” He declared, “Corona is not a virus; rather, she is an avatar created to look after helpless creatures. They are here to spread the message that anyone who consumes them will die and suffer punishment.

He organized cow-urine parties as a distinctive means of registering his anti-vaccine protest. In the same way that we host tea parties, Chakrapani told The Print, “We have chosen to host a gaumutra (cow’s urine) party, wherein we will educate people about coronavirus and how, by consuming cow-related products, people can be saved from it.”

“Counters at the event will serve gaumutra (cow’s pee) for attendees to ingest. Additionally, we will include cow items like cakes made from cow dung and agarbatti produced from it. These will cause the virus to instantly perish. Added he.

He once tried to make fun of Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, by labeling him a gay. As with Tablighi Jamaat, he also charged the opposition leader with disseminating COVID-19.

Charkrpani wants New Delhi, the nation’s capital, to be renamed “Indraprastha,” which is thought to be the city’s original name according to Hindu mythology, specifically the Mahabharata. Additionally, he suggested calling the new parliament building “Hindu Rashtra Bhavan” (Hindu Nation Building).

He even took part in the captive reality program Lock Upp to sate his thirst for fame, but he was quickly booted out for failing to understand the dynamics of the program.

He has been disparaging Muslim leaders in India, even going so far as to label them “Pakistanis” and anti-national.

“Hamid Ansari and Owaisi’s statements don’t differ all that much. They are using the Pakistani language. When these leaders expressed alarm about the escalating intolerance toward minorities in India, Chakrpani responded, “The words of Hamid Ansari, who has served as Vice President of India, are condemnable.


