Vinay Katiyar

Islamophobic Remarks :

The founder and president of the youth branch of the Hindu nationalist, militant group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in India is Vinay Katiyar. Additionally, he served as the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) previous general secretary.

The student arm of the Sangh Parivar, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), is where Katiyar began his political career. From 1970 until 1974, he served as the Uttar Pradesh state unit of the ABVP’s organizing secretary. He has held the position of Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha as well as the Lok Sabha.

Katiyar was important to the 1992 demolition of the Babri Masjid. He was one of the leaders of the nationwide Hindu nationalist movement that was responsible for the demolition of the old mosque, along with other prominent members of the BJP such as Lal Krishna Advani, Uma Bharti, and Kalyan Singh.

He was selected by the RSS in 1984 to launch Bajrang Dal in order to aid the Ram Janmabhoomi agitation. At the location, thousands of karsevaks from all around the nation had congregated. Nationwide riots were sparked by the occurrence.

The Supreme Court ordered a day-to-day trial in the case on April 19, 2017, with a two-year deadline for its conclusion. The criminal conspiracy allegations against Katiyar, Murli Manohar Joshi, LK Advani, Sadhvi Ritambhara, and Vishnu Hari Dalmia were also reinstated by the court.

The Supreme Court declared in November 2019 that the 1992 “destruction of the mosque and the obliteration of the Islamic structure” constituted a “egregious violation of the rule of law” in its ruling on the associated Ayodhya title dispute.

Six years after Narendra Modi took office, in 2020, the special CBI court found insufficient evidence to convict all 32 defendants in the Babri Masjid destruction case, and so cleared everyone of all charges.

The retired judge who had issued the acquittal ruling, Surendra Yadav, was appointed Deputy Lokayukta (III) in Uttar Pradesh shortly after.

In addition, Katiyar is well known for her hate speech and accusations toward the community.

He declared in February 2018 that Muslims ought to leave this nation. The nation has been divided according to population. Why then are they present? Muslims have received their due portion. They have no business staying in India; they ought to go to Bangladesh or Pakistan.

His Statements :

“People from the Muslim community should abstain from touching cows and provoke aggressive Hindus. There are lot of Muslims who are sheltering cows but are also killing them. Cow meat is also being consumed by them.”

“Call it Taj Mahotsav or Tej Mahotsav both are the same things. There is not much difference between Taj and Tej. Our Tej Mandir has been turned into a cremation ground by Aurangzeb. Taj Mahal will be converted into Tej Mandir soon.”

“I believe Ram Janmabhumi is demanding another sacrifice, and the Hindu community should get ready for this. The way Mulayam Singh Yadav fired shots on December 6, 1992 and many people were killed, another such revolution needs to be instigated and our Hindu community must be ready for martyrdom.”

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