Clarion Project


The Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc.) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization founded in 2006. The organization has been involved in the production and distribution of the films Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the WestThe Third JihadIranium, and Honor Diaries. These films have been criticized for falsifying information and described as anti-Muslim propaganda. The Clarion Project states its mission as “exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism while providing a platform for the voices of moderation and promoting grassroots activism”. 

The nonprofit Charity Navigator has rated the Clarion Project 1 out of 4 stars, primarily because of its accountability and transparency issues but also because less than two-thirds of its expenses go to its programming. According to the Clarion Project’s Form 990, 64.7 percent of its expenses are program expenses, 17.5 percent are administrative, and 17.6 percent are for fundraising.


The Clarion Project sent 28 million DVD copies of its film Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West to voters and religious organizations across swing states in October 2008, a few weeks before the 2008 Presidential election. The DVDs were distributed by mass mailings and insets in major national newspapers, including the New York TimesWall Street JournalMiami HeraldPhiladelphia Inquirer, and St. Petersburg Times. Approximately 60 newspapers refused to distribute the film, including the Detroit Free PressCleveland Plain DealerSt. Louis Post-Dispatch and Greensboro News & Record. According to CounterPunch, producing and distributing the DVDs cost $16,395,617 and was paid for by the Koch-brothers linked Donors Capital Fund, whose $17,778,600 donation in 2008 represented 96 percent of the Clarion Project’s revenue as well as a nine-fold increase in the Clarion Project’s revenue compared to 2007.

Board of Directors: Raheel Raza, Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser, Michelle Baron

Staff: Raheel Raza, Ryan Mauro, Shireen Qudosi

Alan I. Gross, Sheldon Adelson, Donors Capital Fund


Address: 2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, P.O. Box 395 and Washington, DC 20006
YouTube: and (855) 433-1422