David’s Bigotry :
Yerushalmi often declares the West superior and essentializes the entire Muslim world as inherently backwards. In one clip, he justifies the genocide of the Native Americans by the United States while (ironically) claiming that the Muslim world is inferior:

He has declared that terrorism is “traditional Islam” and that faithful Muslims must be seen as enemy combatants:

He claims that the only ‘Islam’ that can exist is the one which terrorists represent:

He has also written disparagingly about African-Americans:

Overview :
Mr. Yerushalmi is a lawyer specializing in litigation and risk analysis, especially as it relates to geo-strategic policy, national security, international business relations, securities law, disclosure and due diligence requirements for domestic and international concerns. David Yerushalmi has been involved in international legal and constitutional matters for over 25 years. David Yerushalmi is today considered an expert on Islamic law and its intersection with Islamic terrorism and national security. In this capacity, he has published widely on the subject including the principle critical scholarship on Shariah-compliant finance published in the Utah Law Review (2008, Issue 3). This work and the empirical investigation known as the Mapping Shariah project in America was the focus of a recent monograph published by the McCormack Foundation and the Center for Security Policy.
Website: https://www.americanfreedomlawcenter.or … halmi-esq/
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