Islamophobic Remarks :
Del Rosso believes that shariah, which includes rules and regulations on how Muslims should pray, fast, etc. is strictly a “political-military-legal doctrine”, that claims to multiple interpretations is a ruse, and that those Muslims who do not engage in terrorism or indiscriminate warfare with disbelievers are merely at a “different stage of warfare” and provide cover or support for violent extremists:
The enemy adheres to an all-encompassing Islamic political-military-legal doctrine known as sharia. Sharia obliges them to engage in jihad to achieve the triumph of Islam worldwide through the establishment of a global Islamic State governed exclusively by sharia, under a restored caliphate. The good news is that millions of Muslims around the world – including many in America – do not follow the directives of sharia, let alone engage in jihad. The bad news is that this reality reflects the fact that the imposition of strict sharia doctrine is at different stages across Muslim-majority and -minority countries. The appearance is thus created that there is variation in sharia. Of late, representatives of Muslim- and Arab-American groups and their apologists have been claiming that there is no single sharia, that it is subject to interpretation and no one interpretation is any more legitimate than any other. In fact, for especially the Sunni and with regard to non-Muslims, there is ultimately but one sharia. It is totalitarian in character, incompatible with our Constitution and a threat to freedom here and around the world. Sharia’s adherents are making a determined, sustained, and well financed effort to impose it on all Muslims and non-Muslims, alike. That effort is abetted enormously by several factors. Too many Muslims, to borrow a metaphor from Mao, provide the sea in which the jihadis swim. By offering little meaningful opposition to the jihadist agenda and by meekly submitting to it, a large number of Muslim communities and nations generally project a tacit agreement with jihadis’ ends, if not with their means. At the very least, they exhibit an unwillingness to face the consequences of standing up to sharia’s enforcers within Islam. [2]
Del Rosso also believes that the U.S. government and its officials are purposefully hiding the connection between mainstream Islamic doctrine and extremists perceptions/actions, catering to some “alliance” between leftists and Islamists:
To the contrary, U.S. national intelligence, law enforcement and security leadership seems determined to hide the Islamic origins of jihadist terrorism from the public. Through internal policy as well as public statements, U.S. officials have devised and seek to impose purposefully obscure and counterfactual language, evidently selected to divert American attention away from the Arab/Muslim origins of sharia and the Islamic doctrine of jihad. [3]
Del Rosso also believes violent terrorists groups like Al-Qaeda are “not the most dangerous threat”. Rather, Muslims who proselytize are far more dangerous:
Yet, al Qaeda and other Islamist groups who perpetrate terrorist acts are not the most dangerous threat. These threats, regardless of their brutality, cannot bring America to submit to sharia – at least were they to act alone. While the terrorists can and will inflict great pain on the nation, the ultimate goal of sharia-adherent Islam cannot be achieved by these groups solely through acts of terrorism, without a more subtle, well organized component operating in tandem with them. That component takes the form of “civilization jihad.” This form of warfare includes multi-layered cultural subversion, the co-opting of senior leaders, influence operations and propaganda and other means of insinuating sharia into Western societies. These are the sorts of techniques alluded to by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, when he told a Toledo, Ohio Muslim Arab Youth Association convention in 1995: ‘We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through the sword, but through dawa.” The prime practitioners of this stealthy form of jihad are the ostensibly “non-violent” Muslim Brothers and their front groups and affiliates. It must always be kept in mind that such tactics are “non-violent” not because the Brotherhood eschews violence out of principle, but rather because it has decided that this phase of battlefield preparation is better accomplished through stealthy means. The violence is always implicit in the overall strategy, albeit held in reserve for the final stages of the offensive. It is the combined effect of the violent and pre-violent strains of jihad that constitutes the most serious threat to America and its free people. [4]
Del Rosso has written on his Facebook that “observant Muslims are obligated, by authoritative, published Isalmic Law (Shariah) to commit acts which are a felony violations of U.S. Code” . According to him, observant Muslims must necessarily be criminals [5]
