
  • Jonathan Yudelman
    Jonathan Yudelman

    On May 6, 2024, video was taken of Harvard University Postdoctoral Scholar Jonathan Yudelman and other pro-Israeli gang members harassing a Muslim woman.

  • Giovanni Santostasi
    Giovanni Santostasi

    The statement “almost nothing [to the world] besides terrorism and chaos” was tweeted by Dr. Giovanni Santostasi.

  • Dale Capewell
    Dale Capewell

    CSU Channel Islands physics professor Dr. Dale Capewell posted on Instagram, saying, “I don’t give a damn about Palestinians/Hamas.”

  • Asaf Ferber
    Asaf Ferber

    Asaf Ferber and a companion made an appearance as demonstrators during a pro-Palestine event in October 2023 at the UC Irvine campus. Multiple films of them harassing students were recorded by the SJP branch at UC Irvine.

  • John Strauss
    John Strauss

    John Strauss, Professor of economics at the University of Southern California, made openly genocidal statements on campus directed towards a group pro-Palestinian students.

  • Lev Reyzin
    Lev Reyzin

    Lev Reyzin tweeted that “a reoccupation of Gaza would be… not unwarranted” 

  • Kalpen Trivedi
    Kalpen Trivedi

    Kalpen Trivedi said that the medical staff at Al Shifa Hospital is “all grotesquely evil” on Facebook.

  • David Chandross
    David Chandross

    A LinkedIn comment claiming that over 12,000 Palestinian children had died has been met with the statement “total bullshit” from Dr. Chandross.

  • Anand Ranganathan
    Anand Ranganathan

    Scientist, author, and political analyst Anand Ranganathan is headquartered in New Delhi.

  • Jeffrey Armstrong
    Jeffrey Armstrong

    A Canadian Vedic scholar, author, and poet with the pen name Kavindra Rishi, Jeffry Armstrong, promotes the notion of a “Hindu renaissance” based on the tenets of Vedic Hindu Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism).